Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: depression – Page 8


Get to know the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) in your neighborhood, the impact it makes in your community and learn what this Church can do for you.
What does the Bible say about offerings to God in the Christian Era? You asked, the Bible answers.
Have you run into a dead-end in your search for truth? See how attending a Bible study led one man to the answers in the Bible he was seeking for so long.
Congolese refugees of war receive a warm welcome to Winnipeg, Canada from volunteers of the Church Of Christ’s INC Giving Project.
After receiving recognition for the work they do in the community, the Anaheim PD returned to show their appreciation of the Church Of Christ.
Volunteers from the Church Of Christ partner with the Canadian Diabetes Association and Our Place Society in British Columbia to help feed local residents.
INC Giving Volunteers in Canada donated to food banks across the country.
Sunderland, UK students show their gratitude to their teachers.
Agustin “JonJon” Figer gave away shoes from his sneaker collection to kids who showed him their good grades.
What’s the correct praying position? Should we pray on our knees, or stand to pray? How do we make sure not to pray like the hypocrites mentioned in the Bible?