Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Reasons Why the Bible is Relevant

1. Bookshelf of books with ladder.

If you ever felt lost like me, you’ve probably gone to the local bookstore trying to find your “aha moment”. During my “I’m trying to find myself” phase I read The Birth Order book. When I couldn’t quite connect with the boys in my life, I turned to Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.  I’ve also read How to Win Friends And Influence People. And I’m not alone on this journey to self-discovery and personal improvement, according to one survey, 94% of 18–33-year-olds have committed to making personal improvements. Self-help books are an $800 million market that’s growing 6% per year.

Girl looking at books at bookstore.

So, what book has made an impact on your life? While all the self-help books I’ve invested in were good for the moment, they weren’t very effective for the long haul. I mean, I still don’t understand men, and I haven’t been able to influence anyone to give me 1 million dollars. The perfect book should be effective. It should educate, inspire and shape you for every situation in life.

From the creation of life to the instructions for the afterlife, the pages of the Bible are brimming with stories of hope, examples for problem-solving, instructions for success, and reminders to live by. And with 20 million Bibles sold each year, it’s the best selling book of all time. But is it still relevant? If you’ve struggled with some of the things listed below, then you’ll discover just how relevant the Bible is in your life. 

1. Bible verses about God’s plan for me

In the pages of the Bible, you’ll learn about God’s design and your role in it. You aren’t meant to wander aimlessly. You will find your purpose. You will find direction. You will be where you belong—living a meaningful life.

Proverbs 19:21 with man writing.

2. Bible verses will improve your mental health.

Did you know there are over 365 Bible verses reminding you to “Do not fear”? That’s one for every day of the year—enough to silence your fears and anxieties. Fear, grief, and pain normally stand in the way of walking towards your hopes and dreams, and the more you get familiar with the stories in the Bible, the more you will learn that fear is irrelevant if you include God in your life. Just knowing you’re not alone can make you more optimistic—which builds your confidence and makes you more emotionally and mentally strong, and best equipped to face life’s challenges. 

Sad face above Matthew 6:61-32 NKJV

3. What the Bible says about finding success and happiness

Does God want you to be happy? The Bible reveals that He does, He is a God of love—but don’t mistake Him for a “Genie in a bottle”.  He wants more than just for you to be happy—He wants you to be obedient to His will, and that’s not always easy . . . BUT He promises that if you follow Him, you will have everything you need.


4. Relationship advice is just a verse away

Almost 40-50% of marriages end in divorce; some reasons are because of lack of commitment, lack of communication, and infidelity.  The Bible doesn’t permit divorce or separation, instead, the Bible teaches people how to create connections and how to promote love, peace, and unity with every type of relationship or friendship in your life. Relationship advice is just a verse away!

Matthew 19:5-6 over a heart.

These are just a few examples of how the Bible can guide you to self-improvement. I’ve practiced and applied God’s words in moments I was lost, heartbroken, and confused, and I learned there is a Bible verse or story for every ache and every part of my life that needed improvement. You see, once you understand God’s awesome love for you, you will be compelled to put His words into action. And while it’s true the Bible isn’t always an easy read, it shouldn’t be an obstacle, because we can help. If you have any questions about how you can apply the Bible to your life, just ask.

Girl reading Bible with cup of coffee.


This blog was co-written by Jan Valerio with biblical support by Bob Pellien, a minister of the gospel of the Church Of Christ.

About the Author(S)

Janlynn Valerio is a staff writer, producer, and editor at and considers it her dream job because she helps to create content that proves God exists in our lives. Born and raised in Hawaii, she continues to wear slippers even through the Bay Area winters.

Brother Bob has been an ordained minister in the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) for over 30 years. He grew up a Catholic in Upstate New York. After joining the Air Force in the 1970s, he found himself wondering if there was more to life than motorcycles and scuba diving. It was at that time he was introduced to the Church Of Christ, where the clear and definite Bible-based answers in the worship services caught his attention.

After getting baptized, he and his wife moved to Florida where he was later called into the ministry. Since then he has been assigned to lead congregations of the Church Of Christ around the world. Brother Bob is currently the host of the show That’s in the Bible and INC International Edition.
