Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Prophecies About the True Church

In this part 2 of our prophecy series, we’ll learn about how the bible revealed the true Church through biblical prophecy. And is fulfillment of prophecy a characteristic of the true church?


IE – Prophecies About the  True Church (Part 2)


  • [01:53] – Why are others not giving any value yet to what God mentions about who belongs to Him?
  • [04:29] – What should our viewers look for as the criteria to determine who truly belongs to our Lord God?
  • [05:23] – What’s the law being referred to there?
  • [07:06] – What’s the testimony being referred to there in the Bible in that verse, Isaiah 8:20, that is a basis in determining who truly does belong to God?
  • [08:20] – What will happen if a person does not value prophecy any longer and they just go off on their own, with their own perception and their own beliefs?
  • [09:57] – What is one of the prophecies that bears the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church that belongs to Him?
  • [10:56] – What blessing does He assure His planting? Or the work of His hand?
  • [11:26] – Who’s being referred to as God’s planting?
  • [12:43] – What is the proof that He has branches and who are those branches?
  • [14:35] – Why does God recognize the Church Of Christ as the work of His hands? His planting?
  • [15:06] – Why are we so certain that the true Church that belongs to Christ is the Church Of Christ that is being introduced to our viewers?
  • [16:10] – What will happen then to any of them if they’re not the ones planted by God? What’s the danger of that?
  • [17:03] – Why is it so important to be qualified or identified as God’s elect through these biblical prophecies in order to receive of God’s promises?
  • [18:22] – Which is this kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ where the chosen ones of God are found?


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INC International Edition


Brother Bob Pellien: There are thousands of churches today and they all will say that, well, they belong to God. But is that possible? Is it possible that all churches with different beliefs could all belong to God?


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Bob Pellien

Minister of the Gospel

San Francisco, California


Brother Bob: Well, today, we’ll continue our study about the importance of biblical prophecy to determine which church truly belongs to God and truly belongs to Christ. I’m Bob Pellien. Today, we’ll discuss part two of our series of episodes, studying the biblical prophecies so as to identify the true religion in our time. And you can decide, you can decide for yourself if the church you belong to today meets the criteria. You’ll find out right here today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. And joining us in our discussion for today is Brother Eric Waterman in Quezon City, Philippines. Welcome to the program once again, Brother Eric.


Brother Eric Waterman: Thank you, Brother Bob. Thank you for having us today.


Brother Bob: As well, we have Brother Jay Acuña in Ontario, Canada. Brother Jay.


Brother Jay Acuña: Greetings, Brother Bob, and to all our viewers.


Brother Bob: And welcome to our program. And we also have joining us today our guest from Australia, a minister of the Gospel, Brother Andrew Fisher. Brother Andrew, we welcome you to the program.


Brother Andrew Fisher: Thanks, Brother Bob.


Brother Bob: Brothers, before we start or continue our discussion actually from part one, we would like to find out—why are others not giving any value yet to what God mentions about who belongs to Him. And we’re referring to people who, well, they may consider themselves religious or Christians. But why are there those who just don’t value what the Bible teaches about this topic? Let’s go to you, Brother Eric.


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Eric Waterman

Minister of the Gospel

Quezon City, Philippines


Brother Eric: Well, Brother Bob, perhaps it’s because there are those who were brought up in various different religious beliefs. But it was only through their traditional beliefs or since they were children that what they’ve become accustomed in doing is what they continue to do until now, and they don’t want to change and they don’t want to leave that tradition anymore. What’s alarming is that many people do not even take the time to double check if what they believe in or what they’re doing is truly pleasing to God, or what God wants.


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Andrew Fisher

Minister of the Gospel

Melbourne, Australia


Brother Andrew: That’s right, Brother Eric, and there are even those who pick and choose what they believe in just based on what they already believe. So if there is a preacher, for example, who teaches something that they like or something they admire, or if they see a speaker that has certain qualities, well, they’re already convinced to hear and to follow them. You know, they truly miss the purpose of our Lord God in teaching His way to mankind, and all of these things are written in the Holy Bible.


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Jay Acuña

Minister of the Gospel

Ontario, Canada


Brother Jay: Yes, brothers, and for that reason, in the Church Of Christ, we uphold the value of understanding that there’s a correct basis from God, such as biblical prophecies that can help us identify which is the true Church that belongs to God. Without that proper basis, a church or a religious group cannot claim to truly belong to our Lord God.


Brother Bob: In part one of this current series on prophecy, we learn that the basis of the Church which truly does belong to God is biblical prophecy. And as mentioned, we truly hope that you would continue to watch this program and it would spark an interest within you to personally come and meet with a minister of the Gospel in a congregation that is nearest to you, wherever you are in the world. So that you, too, can learn all about these biblical prophecies regarding the church, this Church, during your Bible studies there. But for now, let’s continue our discussion. Brothers, what should our viewers look for as the criteria to determine who truly belongs to our Lord God? Let’s continue on that point, Brother Eric.


Brother Eric: That’s an excellent starting point, Brother Bob. So let’s read the biblical answer that is recorded here in Isaiah chapter 8, the verse is 20. This is recorded:


To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

[Isaiah 8:20 New King James Version]


Brother Eric: So the Bible said how we can identify the true work of God amidst the many people that represent themselves as belonging or serving God. What was the answer of the Bible? Very clear. It said, “To the law and to the testimony!”


Brother Bob: But wait a minute, wait a minute there, Brother Eric. What’s the law being referred to there? There’s a lot of laws, there’s a lot of people who have laws. There’s a lot of… There’s just a lot of laws. What’s the law being referred to there? Who’s law?


Brother Eric: Well, there’s the law of man, the law of the government, but there’s the laws and words of God that are recorded in the Bible. So if a teaching of any religious group or organization is merely based on opinion or tradition or their own speculation, then that group does not really belong to God, even if their preachers are reading biblical verses, but then they go beyond what is written or they give their own personal interpretation, which may contradict other verses of the Bible, they’re merely teaching a false faith, which would lead people away or not towards their salvation.


Brother Bob: Well what’s the proof of that, Brother Eric? There may be those who would want proof.


Brother Eric: Well, earlier in the Bible, the Bible added, “If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”


Brother Bob: Right, okay.


Brother Andrew: You know, brothers, if I can just add as well, especially for the sake of our viewers, this is the reason that in the Church Of Christ, in every study that we provide, we only teach God’s laws or His words written in the Holy Bible. We would never give our own opinions or personal interpretations because what’s important is that the basis comes not from us, but from our Lord God Himself through His words written in the Holy Scriptures.


Brother Bob: Now, the second part of what you read there, Brother Eric, was about the testimony. What’s the testimony being referred to there in the Bible in that verse, Isaiah 8:20, that you read which is of course another important or let’s say even vital basis of those who truly belong, basis in determining who truly does belong to God?


Brother Andrew: Brother Bob, if I can answer that, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, which is what we can read here in the book of Revelation chapter 19 and in verse 10. The Bible says this:


At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

[Revelation 19:10 New International Version]


Brother Andrew: Our beloved friends and viewers, the testimony of our Lord Jesus according to the verse that we read is the spirit of prophecy. And how valuable is the spirit of prophecy? Well the Bible says the spirit of prophecy bears testimony to Jesus.


Brother Bob: What will happen, brothers, if a person does not value prophecy any longer and they just go off on their own, with their own perception and their own beliefs?


Brother Andrew: Well, Brother Bob, these same people then would never receive the testimony of our Lord Jesus, which would mean that they would not be led to the light of our Lord God, which is how our Lord God wants to guide us.


Brother Jay: And that’s the very reason, brothers, and to all of our viewers, we’re inviting so many people to visit our closest congregation, speak to the minister who’s closest to you, and we’ll be happy to continue the BIble studies with you. Ask for a further study about God’s words written in the Bible because we hold on to the prophecies that prove the election of the Church Of Christ in these last days.


Brother Bob: So dear friends, when we come back, we’re going to ask next, well, what is the proof that the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ mentions the prophecy about this Church, the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ? Stay with us.


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INC International Edition


Brother Bob: Welcome back to the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Today, we’re studying the prophecies that identify the true church that belongs to God and Christ. Now, Brother Jay, what is one of the prophecies that bears the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church that belongs to Him?


Brother Jay: We can read God’s prophecy written here in the book of Isaiah in chapter 60 and the verse is 21. This is what we can read:


Also your people shall all be righteous; They shall inherit the land forever, The branch of My planting, The work of My hands, That I may be glorified.

[Isaiah 60:21 New King James Version]


Brother Jay: What is this prophecy referring to? The planting of our Lord God Himself. And even the branch of His planting is the work of God’s hands. And what is God’s purpose in setting aside His people as the branch of His planting? So that God Himself may be glorified.


Brother Bob: And brothers, what blessing does God assure, as you read there, Brother Jay, what blessing does He assure His planting? Or the work of His hand?


Brother Jay: The Bible says they shall inherit the land forever. Therefore, they’re the ones who will surely be saved. And for this reason, dear friends, we share with you how important prophecy truly is since through prophecy God Himself is the One telling us whom He will surely save.


Brother Bob: But wait, Brother Jay, in the prophecy you read there, who’s being referred to as God’s planting?


Brother Eric: Well, Brother Bob and Brother Jay and our dear viewers, let us listen to the testimony of none other than the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, that is recorded here in John chapter 15, the verses 1 and 5. This is what we can read:


I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. … I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

[John 15:1, 5 New International Version]


Brother Eric: Who is the prophecy concerning, about God’s planting referring to? It refers to none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. What did the Lord Jesus Christ say in this verse? He said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” So what Christ declared is that He revealed the fulfillment of prophecy that He is God’s planting, and that there is something truly priceless and valuable about His branches.


Brother Bob: But does Christ truly have branches as mentioned in that prophecy and if He does have branches, well, what is the proof that He has branches and who are those branches?


Brother Eric: Well, Brother Bob, the Lord Jesus Christ added and He said specifically, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” Who is our Lord Jesus Christ referring to in this verse as His branches? Is it everyone that claims and believes that Jesus is their Savior? No, that’s not what is based on the truth, even though many people claim that.


Brother Bob: Well if Christ is the planting of God and Christ is He who was planted, has branches, then who are they then, brothers? Who are the people whom He recognizes as attached to Him, His chosen as His branches? Who? Let’s go to you, Brother Andrew, for that.


Brother Andrew: Brother Bob, I think it’s best we get the answer from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, so let’s ask who does our Lord Jesus Christ recognize as the people not only who belong to Him, but are His branches or His chosen ones? We can read the answer from our Savior here in the book of Matthew in chapter 16 and the verse is 18. Let’s read what our Savior says:


And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.

[Matthew 16:18 Revised Standard Version]


Brother Andrew: Dear viewers, who truly belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ? Well our Lord Jesus Christ said, “I will build My church.” Therefore, the people who are in the Church which was established by our Lord Jesus Christ, they are the branches of our Lord Jesus Christ, they are His chosen ones. And these are the people inside the Church Of Christ.


Brother Bob: Why does God recognize, brothers, why does God recognize the Church Of Christ as the work of His hands? His planting?


Brother Andrew: Because remember, Brother Bob, the members of the true Church Of Christ, because they are the branches of our Lord Jesus Christ and Christ is the vine planted by God, therefore, the Church Of Christ, they have the divine election, the right to glorify our Lord God.


Brother Bob: Our viewers though, brothers, may surely want to ask—why are we so certain that the true Church that belongs to Christ is the Church Of Christ that is being introduced to our viewers?


Brother Andrew: We’ve already presented in many of our previous studies what’s written there in Acts chapter 20, verse 28 that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself purchased the Church Of Christ with His blood.


Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.

[Acts 20:28 George M. Lamsa Translation]


Brother Bob: So the common idea then or the common belief that many religions, whatever may be their name, whatever may be their beliefs, all religions belong to God, well, it can’t be true then.


Brother Andrew: Well that’s spot on, Brother Bob, because only the Church Of Christ is God’s planting. And the Church which we are sharing with you now is that Church Of Christ. It has the prophecies about the divine election coming from our Lord God, which is something other religions just simply do not have. You know even those who may also call themselves by the name of Christ.


Brother Bob: Yes, that’s true, and many of them do. What will happen then to any of them if they’re not the ones planted by God? What’s the danger of that?


Brother Jay: Allow me to answer that, Brother Bob. They will be uprooted, according to Matthew 15:13. And how did the Bible describe those not planted by God? They’re called “tears” or “weeds,” also in Matthew 13:40-42. And what would be done to them? Christ said that after being uprooted, they will be gathered and burned in the fire. This is a great importance of the true Church because the true Church has the divine election through prophecy when it comes to serving God.


Brother Bob: Brothers, maybe our viewers would at this point want to ask, well, so why is it so important to be qualified or identified as God’s elect through these biblical prophecies and more prophecies that we’re going to be studying, in order to receive of God’s promises? Especially the promise of eternal life?


Brother Jay: The reason is because God is the One Who decides who will surely inherit the promises through our Lord Jesus Christ. And what is the proof? From Colossians 1:12-14, 18, this is what we can read:


giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. … And he is the head of the body, the church; …

[Colossians 1:12-14, 18 New International Version]


Brother Jay: Where can we find the people who will surely inherit God’s promises? They have been rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God’s Son, and the Son of God is no other than our Lord Jesus Christ.


Brother Bob: But what’s that kingdom you refer to there, Brother? Which is this kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ where the chosen ones of God are found?


Brother Jay: That is the Church, which is also the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. And what does this prove? Apostle Paul said the Father has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. How are they then identified? They are members of the body or the Church, which received redemption, which is the forgiveness of sins. And what is that Church? None other than the Church Of Christ.


Brother Andrew: Therefore, brothers, again we want to emphasize that prophecy matters. And prophecy is so important because it determines that the true Church belongs to our Lord God.


Brother Bob: Then, brothers, we’re out of time for today, but this then has to be where we pick up in part three, part three of this series regarding prophecy. What will reveal in the next study? What did Christ warn to the Church Of Christ in the first century, the planting of God, He planted Christ, He had branches, we’ve read it’s the Church, it’s the Church Of Christ, it’s the kingdom of the Son, with remission and forgiveness of sins… So what happened to that since that first century? And what will happen to the Church Of Christ and what about the reemergence of the true Church in the future? Are there also prophecies about these things, brothers?


Brother Jay: Yes, absolutely, Brother Bob. And after proving the prophecies through the Bible, we will continue to learn biblical prophecies about the future time of the Church’s reemergence. Also the prophecy regarding the true Church’s place of reemergence. The method of how it will reemerge, the name of that Church and much more. This is because all of these prophesied in the Bible are fulfilled only right here in the Church Of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo.


Brother Eric: That’s why, dear friends, you must return and continue your studies with us. Part three is where we will continue to study all of the details concerning these prophecies. You will see that it is in this true Church, the Church Of Christ, proven by biblical prophecy, which no one else can copy or claim. Before we go, let’s take a look at this video and see what the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ, has to offer you and your family.


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[Video starts – Get To Know Us]


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Tawanda Cochrane

Former Baptist


Tawanda Cochrane: The Bible study that really made me—was like, “Okay, this is where I need to be,” was the one about the true Church. And that was like, “Okay, this is the true Church because it says it right there in the Bible.” And this is why I need to be, I need to be in the true Church. I know I have salvation.


Voiceover: Did you know that the Bible talks about a true church? Maybe it never crossed your mind? Or maybe you never considered it? Tawanda certainly didn’t.


Tawanda: It was pretty much go to church and as long as you go to church and have faith in God and Jesus, you’ll have your salvation in the end. And I started going to Bible study, and I was like, “Okay, that’s not all true.” I need to be in the true Church to have salvation.


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Ivan Sanchez

Former Protestant


Ivan Sanchez: One thing that stood out to me about that very first lesson that I heard was that the minister kept on saying that “The Iglesia Ni Cristo is the true church, the only true Church.” And that’s something that I was thinking, “Well, at least the Church, this Church is being honest about that, about them saying that.” 


Voiceover: But don’t take our word for it, investigate it for yourself. They did.


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Jennie Guerrero

Orlando, Florida


Jennie Guerrero: I asked a lot of questions and the minister was very patient with me and read the Bible and showed me passages. And I remember asking him, “If this is the true church, how are there so many miracles happening around the world? You know, from other ministers, preachers, churches.” And I remember he read the verse was Matthew 24:24.


For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

[Matthew 24:24 New King James Version]


Jennie: And I remember he read that and I was like, “Wow, okay, that makes a lot of sense.” And from that day forth, I started attending more Bible studies.


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Mary Gueverra

Former Catholic


Mary Guevarra: I remember sitting there and listening to every word. And just, I just started bawling with the tears because I felt shocked that my mother had, all my life taught me, that all these things were okay. And I’m like, it was a realization that all those feelings I had, were right. That she was wrong, and I had been being taught the wrong way.


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Grace Federa

Joined the INC in 2009


Grace Federa: While I was reading and learning more about the Church, I realized that, that there’s only one true God. As versus to many other churches do, there’s so many gods. But there’s only one true Church and there’s only one God, which is the Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ is the Mediator. So that was really important to know the truth.


Voiceover: You may never have considered it. But if you’ve been attending a church all your life, wouldn’t you want to know you were going to the one that is true?


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Ivan Sanchez

Joined the INC in 1996


Ivan: And it was after that, that I felt like, hey, this Church, this is different. This Church is actually teaching the true teachings from the Bible, because it wasn’t complicated to understand. And that’s what made me want to continue. And that’s when I realized this is where God wants me to be.


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Set up a time to speak to a minister of the gospel


Voiceover: Set up a time to speak with a minister in the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ and discover answers you need to hear.


[Video ends]


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Email us at to set up time to meet with a minister of the gospel.


Brother Andrew: You know, dear viewers, we want you to experience as well what the people in this video and in many others have experienced inside the Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church Of Christ. So to find where the nearest congregation is to you, please reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to guide you to a minister of the Gospel, to guide you especially in finding the true Church and in finding salvation.


Brother Bob: Well, dear friends, we’d like to thank our brothers for joining us in our discussion for today. To thank Brother Eric Waterman in Quezon City, Philippines, Brother Jay Acuña in Ontario, Canada as well as Brother Andrew Fisher there in Melbourne, Australia. We’d like to thank you brothers for being with us today. And for giving to us Bible-based answers, so that as the Apostle Peter said to the members of the Church, you’ll be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are. That’s 1 Peter 3:15. Well that does it for us here today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition regarding part two anyway. Join us again for part three of our prophecy series next time. We’ll hope you join us.


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Bob Pellien

Minister of the Gospel

San Francisco, California


Brother Bob: I’m Bob Pellien. Thanks for watching. And as always as we come to the close of our program, we invite you to join us for a short closing prayer.


Brother Bob: Our merciful Father, we join together, Lord, along with all our viewers and guests to thank You. Thank You for guiding us in our study. Lord, may You be the One to impart the words that we have read from Your Holy Scriptures deep into the hearts of all who hear them, that Your words will always serve as our inspiration. Your words will serve as our guiding light on the journey You have set us upon in this life. Lord God, please open the eyes of understanding for all those who are hearing Your words of truth for the first time, most especially, dear Lord, may You touch their heart. May You send Your spirit of understanding to them that they will know that it is You that has called them. It is You that is bringing them to join with us here inside the one true Church Of Christ. Lord Jesus, as our One Mediator to the Father, ask Him to bless this program. Please ask Him, Lord, to bless all our guests joining us for our study today. May we be gathered again next time to continue our studies of truth. Lord God, we ask Your help, Your mercy, Your forgiveness of sin all in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Prophecies About the True Church