Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Staying Positive During a Pandemic

The Solution episode banner on how to stay positive and grateful during a pandemic.

During difficult times, it can be easy to give in to negativity. A young professional asks how she can stay positive and grateful during a pandemic.

Coping With Job Loss and Anxiety

two men in a split screen looking at the camera

Many people are facing job loss due to COVID-19. A young dad asks how to have faith when you lose your job, and stay positive for your family.

How To Overcome Self-Harm

young sad woman, looking down and standing by the window

More and more individuals resort to hurting themselves because of problems and unbearable emotional pain. Can the Bible help people overcome self-harm?

How To Help A Depressed Friend

Two people sit together with one person holding their head in their hands

Chances are, you know someone who is struggling with depression. A college student asks for Bible advice to help his childhood friend deal with depression.

Defeating the Devil With God’s Help

A person clasps their hands together over a Bible on a table.

Find out how to overcome temptation as a Christian, since the devil uses various strategies and methods to deceive people and turn them away from God. How can God’s words help us win this fight?

Teaching Kids To Budget

A mom and child stand together with money and a piggy bank in front of them on a table.

Discover how to instill essential financial skills in your children, and also help them build a strong spiritual foundation guided by the Bible. Join us as we delve into the importance of budgeting for kids to equip your children with valuable life skills.

Making Time With God A Priority

Have you ever thought about who or what you prioritize as most important to you? Find out why making God a priority in your life, or valuing Him above all, is beneficial.
