Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

How many gods are there?

Ancient Egyptians gods painted on a wall; text reads: Is there one God, or many gods?

People ask: Who is Jesus? Is there one God, or many gods? Is there a true god among them? How can God be three: Father, Son and Spirit? The Bible clarifies.

Are All Sins Equal?

A sin point in many directions towards many kinds of sins; text reads "Are there different kinds of sins?"

What is a sin? Are all sins the same? Do people pay for their sins? According to the Bible, Is there a proper and improper way to be forgiven of sins?

Does Hebrews 1:8 call Jesus “God”?

Highlighted portion of a Bible verse; additional text reads: Is Hebrews 1:8 translated correctly?

Some believe that God and Jesus are equal, or that Christ is superior to the Father in the Bible. Is Jesus God in Hebrews 1:8 or is there a correct way to understand this verse?

Lent Fasting: Is it Worth it?

An empty plate on a table; text reads "What's the purpose of fasting?"

What kind of fasting is in the Bible? What is the purpose of fasting during Lent? Are the fasting rules for Lent of the Catholic Church in the Bible?

Are God and Jesus Christ the Same Person?

A ray of sunshine emerges from the clouds upon a vast landscape; text reads "What is God's state of existence?"

What is the difference between God and Jesus? What is the nature of Christ and is that the difference between God and Jesus? Hear the discussion in this live studio recording.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

A sad person slouching in shadows; text reads "Does a compassionate God allow suffering?"

Does a compassionate God allow suffering? If we suffer because we all have sinned, how do we receive the forgiveness of our sins? How do we stop suffering?

How Do I Know I’m a True Christian?

A man is walking through a brightly lit doorway; text reads "How do I know I'm a true Christian?"

You might ask yourself: do I have to be baptized? If you’re a true believer of Christ, you might also be wondering if there is a true church today. Find out.
