Trusting God in Difficult Times

So many are wondering how to find peace of mind, or how to overcome difficulties in life. Having hope in God, and trusting Him is our best tool.
Does God Accept Me?

What does God want from us in this life? Is it to worship and obey Him? Then let’s make sure it’s acceptable worship to God, and we know how to properly worship God.
Is Eating Blood a Sin?

Is the act of eating blood in the Bible? What does the shedding of blood have to do with sins and forgiveness? What about the shedding of Christ’s blood?
What are the Roles of the Husband and Wife?

There are a few keys to a successful marriage described in the Bible that can help us prepare for marriage as a Christian. How did God design marriage?
1 Timothy 3:16 Meaning of Pronoun “He”

1 Timothy 3:16 often reads “God manifested in the flesh”, but other translations read “He who…” (not “God”). Does this difference mean anything?
Why is Baptism Important?

There are different forms of baptism but what is true baptism according to the Bible? Is baptism by immersion needed for salvation?
Why Believe the Bible?

How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?
Why Use a Different Bible Translation?

Why are there different Bible translations? Do versions and translations change spiritual truth? Which version of the Bible is correct to use?
Is Killing in War a Sin?

The Bible has very strict instructions concerning murder. But what about killing in war? Can a Christian serve in the military and fight for their country?
What Is the Definition of a Saint?

Who are saints? What is a saint in the Bible? Does praying to saints help us communicate with God? Will we all be saints when we die? Is anyone alive a saint?