MusiKo Season 3 Finalists Put Show-Stopping Performances

Get ready to be captivated by the electrifying grand finals performances of the hit reality TV show “MusiKo” as finalists take to the stage for season 3 grand finals; the latest events in the INC.
Rebuilding Hope: INC Extends Aid after Super Typhoon Mawar in Guam

After the devastation left by Super Typhoon Mawar in Guam, families receive much-needed assistance through the Church Of Christ’s swift response to extend aid; volunteers express their gratitude to educators through an INC Giving event in Northwest California; the latest events in the INC: Evangelical Mission in Virginia, Care For Humanity event in the Caribbean, Inaugural Worship Service in Southern Ontario.
INC Expands To North Bay, Ontario

Full Meta: Watch one woman’s pursuit for a brighter future in Canada bring her closer to God through an inaugural worship service in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, a new congregation of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ, watch a series of Care For Humanity Events in Florida.
Massive Evangelical Mission in the Philippine Arena Draws Thousands

Experience the massive evangelical mission at the iconic Philippine Arena and the heartfelt testimonials of the impact of ongoing propagation efforts by the Church Of Christ; catch the latest events of the INC: woman becomes closer to God through baptism in New Jersey, man enlightened by true faith receives baptism in Calgary, and residents of Mandurah find inspiration through an evangelical mission in Australia.
INC Shares Biblical Truths Across Canada

Multiple locations in Canada hold evangelical missions that spark interest in biblical truth for residents; catch the latest events of the INC: A Protestant Pastor learns biblical truth in Oregon, Unity games in British Columbia, Songs of Faith, Love and Hope for Children in New York
INC Receives Recognition for Outreach to Turkey Earthquake Victims

The INC is given special recognition from the city of Ottawa and Turkish Embassy for their prompt response in extending help to Turkey Earthquake victims; in the Northern Midwest, married couples spend quality time to keep marriages strong.
INC Reaches Kelowna, British Columbia

As the Church continues to grow, the INC reaches Kelowna, British Columbia; a woman struggling with grief after losing her husband finds refuge in God after discovering the true faith.
INC Dedicates House of Worship in Riverside, California

A worship building purchased in 1977 undergoes further renovations and is rededicated to God in Riverside, California; in Southern Ontario, timely assistance is given to residents in need.
INC Holds Baptisms Across Africa

As the true faith continues to spread in Africa, lives are changed as more receive the holy baptism; the INC reaches Ashtabula, Ohio; in Manitoba, a man and his family are brought to the true faith.
INC Holds Baptisms All Across North America

Witness baptisms take place throughout Canada, the US, Micronesia, and the Caribbean as many newly baptized members join the INC.
In part two, we witness baptisms take place throughout Canada, the US, Micronesia, and the Caribbean.