Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Making The Right Decision

God's Message podcast logo, with young man trying to make a decision on split screen

We all make a multitude of decisions over the course of our lives. When faced with many choices and possibilities, how do we know if we’re making the right decision? Find out in this episode. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

For He Is A Chosen Vessel

Brother Felix Y. Manalo, and God's Message podcast episode title "For he is a chosen vessel"

Profiling individuals for certain roles is practiced in fields like government, business and sports. However, for the task of preaching the gospel, those who are sent by God are not determined by the standards of society.

Watch Out For Greed

Man contemplating about greed for money, power, and material possessions

What are the different kinds of greed? How can you tell if you have become greedy? And why is being content better than being greedy? Tune in now and find out! Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

Against The Flow

Young woman walking on a busy city street, with God's Message podcast logo

It can be a struggle when you’re the odd one out. But things can only get worse if we go with the crowd, at the expense of our Christian values. Find out why in this podcast. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine for articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

The Blessed Household

God’s Message podcast title, The Blessed Household, with a picture of a happy family

In the eyes of society, a fortunate household is one that is financially stable and has amassed material wealth. Parents have successful careers, while their children attain a high level of education. However, according to the Bible, are these the true measure of a blessed household? Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.

Maintaining Good Health

God’s Message Podcast logo banner with person holding down weights in background

Healthy habits like physical exercise and a healthy diet is important for our well-being. But, more importantly, how can we be spiritually healthy?

Do Not Use Harmful Words

God’s Message podcast logo split screen with episode title, Do Not Use Harmful Words

Using gentle words or being tactful is truly important to preserve peace and harmony in our relationship with others, especially with our family.

To Be Cheerful In The Face Of Difficulties

Woman smiling while listening to a podcast

With the pandemic causing many complex problems to peoples’ lives, is there still reason to remain happy and hopeful? Learn how keeping a positive outlook in the midst of difficulties can benefit your life. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.
