Kristine Andrade: Is this thing on? I think so. Hello, everyone! It is Kristine here.
And I am so excited for today because today is a very exciting day. We are having our first INC Giving of 2024.
Kristine Andrade: So let’s head to Monterey Park and go to the Neighborhood
Appreciation Day. But first! I gotta change! Love this Sunday’s best outfit, but …
Kristine Andrade: … Now that’s better! We got to get to Monterey Park.
Kristine Andrade: If you want to volunteer work in your area, an INC Giving Neighborhood Appreciation Day is a great place to start.
Kristine Andrade: I love INC Giving. Parked. Let’s go to the Neighborhood Appreciation Day! I am super excited to see all of the booths, all of the guests, and all of the brethren.
Kristine Andrade: All of the booths are free for everyone and represent some really great neighborhood volunteer ideas: face painting and arts and crafts for the kids; lots of hot food; winter clothes; family portraits; and health care checkups.
Kristine Andrade: So we just got inside in the Langley Center, and you guys see what’s going on behind me.
District Minister: Thank you so very much for all that you do for the benefit of this community.
City Mayor: I feel pretty inspired already. Thank you so much. In the true Christian way,
in the true Christian faith, providing for those in need and those who need the help is truly what your Church is doing out here in Monterey Park.
Council member: Thank you INC for inviting us to this wonderful day of gathering,
of community.
Kristine Andrade: The Mayor of the city and a council member even came to the event. What a great turnout!
Kristine Andrade: Thank you so much for being at our Neighborhood Appreciation Day today.
Danny: I love it, I’m so lucky.
Kristine Andrade: What was your favorite part of today?
Danny: The people.
Kristine Andrade: Oh really?
Danny: They all smile. They make me feel so good. They all give me a nice welcome.
Kristine Andrade: That’s great.
Kristine Andrade: I would like to say that our Neighborhood Appreciation Day today was a success.
Kristine Andrade: What a day! What a day it has been. This is just one of the many
INC Giving Projects that are going to be happening this year, and I’m so excited.
Kristine Andrade: And not only is it happening here, it is happening all around the world. And I know here in the district of Los Angeles County California we’re going to keep doing our INC Giving Projects and helping in serving our community and doing good whenever we possibly can.
Danny: You are the best!
Kristine Andrade: Thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for being on my vlog-say bye Danny!
Danny: Bye! Thank you!