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Is Jesus “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?

Is Jesus the “Everlasting Father” and “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:6? Are God and Jesus Christ the same person, or is the verse talking about something else?


That’s in the Bible

Who is the “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?

Brother Bob Pellien: Is Jesus the “Mighty God” and “Everlasting Father” described in Isaiah 9:6? Does that mean that Jesus Christ and the Father are the same person, together, as God

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VO: The Bible, the basis of our faith in the Church Of Christ, which answers questions about proper worship, the right relationship with God, and most importantly, salvation. That’s in the Bible.

Brother Bob: I’m Bob Pellien and welcome to the program, That’s in the Bible. On a YouTube video of another program produced by INC Media, some comments were made regarding the Bible verse, Isaiah 9:6, claiming that this verse teaches that Jesus is the Mighty God and is the Everlasting Father. So, let’s take a closer look at the comments and what the Bible actually says there. Here’s the verse. Isaiah 9:6 reads this way:

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For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6 

New King James Version

Brother Bob: What do some say or teach about this verse of the Holy Bible? Here are some sample comments from YouTube:

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Isaiah the prophet called Jesus God -Isaiah 9:6 – a child is born a son is given wonderful counselor mighty GOD.

Know Gods Grace

The Everlasting Father is Jesus, the Son of God (Isaiah 9:6).

Daniel Bulus

Brother Bob: Well, thank you all who commented, giving to us now, today, the opportunity to address your comments and the teaching that, well, when they look at Isaiah 9:6, they claim that Jesus then is the Mighty God, is the Everlasting Father. So, let’s take a closer look together at the teachings of the Bible regarding this verse and to frame our discussion and exploration of the verse together with you today, let’s address these important questions:

  1. Does Isaiah 9:6 actually say, or even teach, that Jesus is the Everlasting Father and Mighty God?
  1. Is the child mentioned in Isaiah 9:6—is the child being called “Mighty God, Everlasting Father” or is it the authority that He has that is being described?
  1. How did Jesus fulfill the meaning of the name in Isaiah 9:6?

Well, to begin, does this verse actually say that Jesus, who is the child being referred to there by Isaiah—we don’t dispute that. Is it saying though that He is the Mighty God, or that Jesus is the Everlasting Father? Absolutely not. So then, what is being referred to as the Mighty God in Isaiah chapter nine? And it’s very important to note here, dear friends, that in English, this name—singular, name—was broken down into several sections. And others would claim them to be separate titles, like the title of “Mighty God,” title of “Everlasting Father,” and “Prince of Peace.” But in the original Hebrew, it is only one name. What name? Let’s look in the Hebrew Bible by the Jewish Publication Society of America. 

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For a child is born unto us, A Son is given unto us; And the government is upon his shoulder; And his name is called Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom.

Isaiah 9:5 

Jewish Publication Society of America

Brother Bob: Notable here, dear friends, is that in the body of this verse, they did not translate the name into English words, but left the transliteration of the Hebrew word there because there’s insufficient meaning in the English language. They couldn’t find the words but they did attempt some guidance by providing a footnote to that same verse. Here’s what they wrote:

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That is, Wonderful in Counsel is God the Mighty, the Everlasting Father, the Ruler of peace.

Isaiah 9:5 Footnote 

Jewish Publication Society of America

Brother Bob: If then the Hebrew attribution meant that the child is Mighty God—Jesus Christ—that’s what the translators would have included in their footnote. If the Hebrew attribution meant that the child is the Everlasting Father, that’s what the translators would have included in their footnote. But they didn’t state that. Why? Because that’s not what the prophet Isaiah wrote. That’s just one example of how Bible scholars—scholars that are much more knowledgeable than the casual reader—have tried to unearth the closest translation and meaning of this single Hebrew word—Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom—into phrases of English. 

How have other Bible scholars familiar with the Hebrew language—how have they understood what’s given in that term—the name—in Isaiah 9:6? And more importantly, is it the child being called Mighty God, Everlasting Father, or is it the authority, or the duty, or the office placed upon His shoulder mentioned in that verse that is being described? Which one? This was written by John Mauchline, a scholar who wrote extensively on the book of the prophet Isaiah, found in the Bible. He wrote this, I quote:

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“This son is not to have a name which will be for a sign like the names of Isaiah’s sons (cf. 7.3, 8, 1), but one which will be descriptive of his office.”

Isaiah 1-39: Confidence in God

John Mauchline, London: SCM Press, Ltd., 1966, p. 113

Brother Bob: Dear friends, it refers to the duty, or the office, the authority given to the child mentioned by the prophet Isaiah in chapter nine, verse six. Not to the child Himself. That’s an important distinction because is it the child, or the government, or the authority placed upon his shoulders that has that authoritative name? Which one? I’ll quote another translation of the Bible. Edward Goodspeed Translation of Isaiah 9:6 was translated this way:

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For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; And the government will be upon his shoulder; And his name will be called “Wonderful counsellor is God Almighty, Father forever, Prince of peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

Goodspeed Bible

Brother Bob: The Bible clearly shows us by stating that “his name will be called,” that it is the name, or then, the authority placed upon the shoulders of the child that is being given this authoritative description, like the Father forever, not the child Himself that’s being given those listed attributes. No. The truth is many people’s names have certain meanings but that does not mean that that’s what that person is. For example, a woman whose name is Rose doesn’t mean that she herself is a rose. If you understand that simplicity, we can also understand Isaiah 9:6 as well. The result of another scholar’s work, James Moffatt, in his translation of the Bible, where he translated Isaiah chapter nine, he wrote it this way in verse six:

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For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us; the royal dignity he wears, and this the title that he bears — “A wonder of a counsellor, a divine hero, a father for all time, a peaceful prince!”

Isaiah 9:6

James Moffatt Translation 

Brother Bob: Dear friends, why is the name then, or the office of the prophesied child in Isaiah 9:6—who is Jesus, yes—called a wonder of a counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace? Is it because Jesus Himself is God the Father? No. As we just read here, this is the title that he bears. Why? Why is the authority given to the child provided such? Let’s read here in John 12:49. Here’s why, dear friends:

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For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.

John 12:49

New King James Version

Brother Bob:  Was Jesus given such titles because He is God, the Father? No. It’s because the authority given to Him was the authority given to Him by the Father. For what purpose? To make known to people the Father’s everlasting words. Jesus reveals God to mankind. People know God by knowing Jesus.

How did Jesus fulfill such in as that name, Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom, as mentioned there in Isaiah 9:6? How did He fulfill that? Let’s take a look at them more closely. First, why was that authority or name called “mighty?” In Acts 2:22, here’s why. It’s recorded here in the book of Acts 2:22 like this:

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Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know.

Acts 2:22

King James Version

Brother Bob:  So dear friends, because it was God who wielded His Might through Jesus. There were miracles, wonders, and signs that were done through Jesus. It could easily be described as “mighty.” And what have other Bible scholars also had to say about that part of the name, which was “wonderful counsellor?” According to the Septuagint Bible, which is one of the oldest translations of the Hebrew text, which was then translated in the early centuries into Greek, it says the following:

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For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder; and his name is called the Messenger of great counsel; for I will bring peace upon the princes, and health to him.

Isaiah 9:6

The Septuagint Bible

Brother Bob:  In this translation from Hebrew into Greek, it was actually called the duty that was given to the child, “the Messenger of great counsel.” From many other studies together, we know that the messenger and the one who sends the messenger cannot logically be the same being. Right? So, these Bible scholars all have understood that Isaiah chapter nine, verse six never states that Jesus is the Everlasting Father, but that Jesus did fulfill and live up to the meaning of the name.

We started out with these three important questions. Let’s review the answers:

  1. Does Isaiah 9:6 say or teach that Jesus is the Everlasting Father, is the Mighty God? No. It simply doesn’t state that in the text—in any translation.
  1. Is it the child that’s being called Mighty God, Everlasting Father, or is it the authority given to the child that is simply being described? It was the authority, the office, the duty of the child that was given the name, Pele-joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom. And in English, Bible scholars have pointed out over and over again that these words were not referring to the child, but to the child’s eventual assignment from the Father.
  1. How did Jesus fulfill the meaning of His name in Isaiah 9:6? His acts were mighty, He did convey the message of God that was given to Him, and His authority was given to Him by the Everlasting Father remains today. Which is why we are members of His body, the Church—the Church Of Christ. And we’d like for you to join with us. Continue learning about the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ. Please visit us online and visit the nearest house of worship that may be near to your place.

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Brother Bob:  Review the various topics that we have at and set up an appointment to meet with a Minister of the Gospel. And if you have any more questions about the Bible, about salvation, please email them to us.

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I’m Bob Pellien. See you next time, right here on That’s in the Bible.


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Is Jesus “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?