Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

How Mental Health Is Positively Affected By Spirituality

How does spirituality affect your life positively? When you feel discouraged in life, how can putting trust in God give you the mental peace you need?


Brother Joe Velasquez: There is a common saying that “health is wealth.” Being healthy—physically, mentally and even emotionally—is what many people strive for, especially due to the ill effects that any sickness can inflict on our lives and well-being. But while many look first to doctors and even mental health professionals for remedies to their illnesses, what should we primarily understand are some of the causes of illness? Is there a relationship between our physical and mental health to our spiritual health? And how can we deal with illness in a positive manner? This is what we will be studying today on The Message.

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Brother Joe Velasquez

Minister of the Gospel

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Brother Marvin Mangune

Minister of the Gospel

Brother Joe: Hello, I’m Brother Joe Velasquez, and with me here in our studios in Anaheim is Brother Marvin Mangune. Hello, Brother Marvin. 

Brother Marvin Mangune: Hey Brother Joe, and hello viewers. 

Brother Marvin: According to the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, in 2021, there was an estimated 57.8 million adults age 18 or older in the United States with AMI or any mental illness. The number represented 22.8% of all US adults or about 1 in 5 people in the US.

Brother Joe: That’s right, Brother Marvin and with so many people experiencing mental illness, it’s important to understand what may first be the causes of illness in general, so that a treatment can be determined. Now, Brother Marvin, what is one of the causes of illness? 

Brother Marvin: Well, Brother Joe, we could read that here in the answer of the Bible in Psalms 107:17. This is what we could read here: 

Some were sick through their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities suffered affliction;

[Psalm 107:17 Revised Standard Version]

Brother Marvin: According to the Bible, there are people who get sick because of their sinful ways or iniquities. So it’s not only because of what people commonly think of as the causes of sickness such as an unhealthy diet or diseases, pollution, germs and viruses, parasites, or even exposure to dangerous chemicals. Well, Brother Joe, what is another reason the Bible gives us as to why people get sick?

Brother Joe: Brother Marvin, this is what the Bible teaches us in Job 2:5-7, please listen here and this is what is stated: 

But now stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.” The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. 

[Job 2:5-7 New International Version]

Brother Joe: Now Brother Marvin, another possible reason why the servants of God may get sick is that they’re being tested by God like what happened to God’s servant, Job. Now, how about those who may be experiencing mental health issues, perhaps even so severe that they can’t think positively or rationally? Now, what might be the cause of that, Brother Marvin?

Brother Marvin: Well, we could read the answer here in Lamentations 3:18, 20. We could read this once again from the Holy Scriptures: 

Now I say, “Gone are my hopes and all my confidence in the Lord.” …Thinking it over and over makes my soul downcast. 

[Lamentations 3:18,20 Christian Community Bible] 

Faith and mental health are linked

Brother Marvin: It is clear that there is a relationship between spiritual health and mental health. One’s faith and mental health are closely linked. The Bible teaches that there are those who become downcast or in other words sad, and without hope as a result of not having hope or confidence in God. Brother Joe, what does such sadness and hopelessness lead to in others? What is that wrong notion that others may have when they are in such despair, and what is it that they think of doing because their hope in God is gone?

Brother Joe: Well, Brother, Marvin, this is what the Bible says in Job 7:15-16 and this is what we can read:

…I would rather be strangled than live in this miserable body. I give up; I am tired of living. Leave me alone. My life makes no sense. 

[Job 7:15-16 Good News Translation]

Brother Joe: Now, it really is true Brother Marvin, that there are those because of despair brought about by the loss of hope in God, well they decide to give up, even to the point that they would rather die than go on living in misery. And so some contemplate committing suicide. And worse yet, there are those who actually do take their own life because they think that somehow, it will end the pain of their existence. Now, this is the unfortunate condition of those who are in poor mental health. We must understand that taking one’s own life would only make matters worse because suicide is a grievous sin against God. Now why is it a sin against God, Brother Marvin?

Brother Marvin: Brother Joe, the answer is here in the Holy Scriptures in 1 Samuel 2:6, this is what we can read from the Holy Scriptures: 

You take away life, and you give life. You send people down to the world of the dead and bring them back again. 

[1 Samuel 2:6 Contemporary English Version]

Brother Marvin: Committing suicide, or taking one’s own life is a grievous sin against God because it is only God who has the power and right to take away life. Thus suicide, even if one has experienced severe depression or mental illness, is not a remedy that one should ever consider no matter how hopeless one may feel. But now that we know what are some of the various causes of illness, Brother Joe, what approach should we take to remedy any illness that we may have, even mental illness? 

Brother Joe: Well Brother Marvin, just as a doctor prescribes specific treatments to combat various illnesses, there are also specific actions that the Bible teaches us to do when our illness is the result of any of the root causes that were mentioned.

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How Mental Health Is Positively Affected by Spirituality

How does spirituality affect your life?

Brother Marvin: Certainly, Brother Joe, and just as it is important to follow strictly sound medical advice given to us by authorized health professionals, we should also strictly follow the teachings of our Lord God written in the Bible which would guide us in attaining good health in every aspect of our life. And if we could ask, how does spirituality affect our life, especially in regard to dealing with sickness? What positive spiritual approach should a person take then if their sickness is the result of their sinful ways? 

Brother Joe: Well, this is the teaching of the Holy Bible written in Lamentations 3:39-41, and this is what we can read.

Why should we ever complain when we are punished for our sin? Let us examine our ways and turn back to the LORD. Let us open our hearts to God in heaven and pray,

[Lamentations 3:39-41 Good News Translation]

Brother Joe: Brother Marvin, if the illness is the result of sin, then the one who is afflicted should examine their ways and turn back to the Lord. 

Brother Marvin: Definitely. We know that the Bible teaches that sin is a violation of God’s commands; thus, it may be that others are sinning by not taking care of their bodies as is commanded by the Lord God. Perhaps, Brother Joe, they are harming it through drinking alcoholic drinks, or even by drug abuse.

Brother Joe: That’s true, Brother Marvin. And you know, according to the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, among the 42.1 million US adults with mental illness, 18.2% also had substance use disorders. Thus, if one has been harming their body and mind through drinking alcohol or drug abuse, they should stop immediately, as this is a sin against God. But what else should be done by one who is genuinely repenting of their sin? The Bible says, “Let us open our hearts to God in heaven and pray.” So we must also approach God in prayer. But which prayer will result in the healing of the sick, Brother Marvin?

Brother Marvin: Brother Joe, we could get that answer here in James 5:14-15. Please listen here. 

Are any among you sick? They should send for the church elders, who will pray for them and rub olive oil on them in the name of the Lord. This prayer made in faith will heal the sick; the Lord will restore them to health, and the sins they have committed will be forgiven.

[James 5:14-15 Good News Translation]

Brother Marvin: The Bible says, “This prayer made in faith will heal the sick.” What should be done in the prayer for the sick mentioned here in the Bible? We should send for the church elders who will pray for us and anoint us with oil. Now, who are the church elders being referred to here? They are the officers inside of the Church Of Christ such as the ministers, the deacons and even the deaconesses, who have the authority to anoint the sick with oil, and even pray for them. 

Brother Joe: And Brother Marvin, what is the benefit for those who truly have faith and follow this instruction regarding the prayer for those who are sick, perhaps as a result of their sins? 

Brother Marvin: Brother Joe, the Bible did say, this prayer made in faith will heal the sick; and the Lord will restore them back to health, and the sins that they have committed will be forgiven. Thus, not only can the prayer of faith coupled with the anointing of oil result in the healing of those who are sick, but they will also be forgiven of the sins which may have been the cause of their sickness. That is why this is what should be followed by all those who have illness, regardless of the root cause. 

But what about those  whose illness may be the result of a test or trial? Perhaps, maybe there are some that would even say that they have tried their best to live a righteous way of life and have avoided all wickedness, but still, they were afflicted with sickness. How should they regard their situation? 

Brother Joe: Brother Marvin, this is the teaching of the Holy Bible in 1 Peter 1:6-7, please listen here and this is what is stated: 

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

[1 Peter 1:6-7 New Living Translation] 

Brother Joe: And so those whose illness is a test or trial must understand that our Almighty God allows us to go through these so that our faith will be tested and proven to be genuine. Now others may think that illness which is the result of a test may be the reason to become sad, but the Bible teaches us, “…be truly glad.” Why? “There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.” 

 So instead of losing hope because of sickness, we should all the more prove our faith in God; even though some may be experiencing depression or mental health issues as a result of the problems or tests that they are going through in life. Now, Brother Marvin, what should be done, for example, by those who perhaps feel so alone because of the weight of their troubles bearing down on them, perhaps causing them to worry and experience mental anguish? 

Brother Marvin: Well, the Bible gives us the answer, Brother Joe, here in Psalm 62:8, this is what we could read.

Trust in God at all times, my people. Tell him all your troubles, for he is our refuge.

[Psalm 62:8 Good News Translation]

Brother Marvin: Those who are experiencing worry, even depression that may in turn lead to mental illness, should remember that there is someone in whom we should tell all our troubles, and that is our Almighty God. While it’s not wrong to see a doctor when we are sick, just like what was instructed to us by our Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 5:31, why can we trust all the more in God to help us in times of [trouble]? The Bible does say, “he is our refuge.” 

Thus God is truly the one Whom we can rely on when troubles such as illness come into our lives. But what quality must be seen by God in those who are seeking a cure for whatever ails them? Who are the ones who can hope to be healed of their sickness brought about by their sin or even as a result of being a test from our Lord God?

Brother Joe: Let’s listen, Brother Marvin, to the pronouncement of the Bible here in Deuteronomy 7:11, and this is what we can read: 

So you must be careful to obey the commands, laws, and rules that I give you today.

[Deuteronomy 7:11 Easy-to-Read Version] 

What are the mental health benefits of obeying God?

Brother Joe: And so the Bible teaches that God is expecting that we will carefully obey all His commands, laws, and even the rules that are being taught to us by the Church Administration. Now why is it that we are certain that doing so will have a great positive impact on our health? What are the physical and even mental health benefits that will result from our complete obedience to God? 

Brother Marvin: We can read the answer here, Brother Joe, in Deuteronomy 7:15. What we read earlier was 11. Let’s just read here in [verse] 15:

And the LORD will protect you from all sickness. He will not let you suffer from the terrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all your enemies! 

[Deuteronomy 7:15 New Living Translation]

Brother Marvin: According to the Bible, the Lord God is the One who will protect us from our sickness or illness. Whether these be physical ailments or mental illness, God will be merciful to us and ease our suffering. But we must do our part and remain faithful to God. And inasmuch as our spiritual health has great bearing on our physical health. We should give our spiritual health a boost by putting our hope and trust in our Lord God.

Brother Joe: That’s right, Brother Marvin. And we can prove this through our complete obedience to God’s commands; acknowledging and genuinely repenting of our sins by renewing our life; requesting for Church elders to anoint us with oil and pray for us; and by never allowing ourselves to become hopeless or discouraged no matter what troubles or illness we may have to face as we journey in this life. 

On behalf of all of us here at The Message, we would like to thank you for joining us today in our study of God’s words. We invite you to continue watching this and the other programs of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ. But before we go, though, please do join us for a short prayer.

Brother Marvin: Our dear, loving Father in heaven, we thank you so much for the chance that You have given unto us to be able to listen to Your teachings and Your commands. This is what truly guides us in our life, O God, we praise and we worship Your holy name. If there are any of us that have any troubles at this time, maybe there are trials, even illness that afflicts us O Lord, Father, please be merciful upon us. We entrust our lives ourselves unto You, because we truly believe that You are the One that can truly heal us. You are the One who could truly help us in our life. Lord Jesus Christ, you are the throne of grace. Lord Jesus, please mediate our prayers unto our Father, and may you also be with us in our journey. Give us the strong faith that we need. Our loving Father, please always link us to the aim and spirit of the ones leading us in the Church. Please always bless the Church Administration for the sake of our salvation. We beg and we plead for all of these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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How Mental Health Is Positively Affected By Spirituality