Coping Without Addiction
- [01:41] What’s the meaning of addiction in the first place?
- [02:35] How does addiction start?
- [06:59] Who do we need when we when we really have to cope with something that’s really challenging and difficult to face in life?
- [08:04] Why is it necessary that we allow God to teach and instruct us in the way that we should go?
- [10:29] How valuable is it and how important is it that we allow ourselves to be guided by the words of God that we don’t take advice from just anyone that we may come across in life, or especially maybe online in some whatever online forum?
- [12:23] Why do you say so adamantly that God’s words in the Bible are what we so dearly need and they are so important—significant?
- [13:23] Are there any particular moments, then, in life where a person might find themselves more vulnerable to harmful influences and influencers?
- [14:01] When should we be more careful in seeking and accepting influence when we are panic-stricken?
- [14:30] How can a person be completely prepared for these moments of panic when they come?
- [15:17] If we have complete guidance from God and our coping skills are reinforced with God’s words from the Holy Scriptures, well, what’s going to be gained?
- [17:04] What biblical truth will help the youth that may be viewing our program today? Help them avoid addiction and what would all of us benefit most of all from if we devote ourselves to it?
- [19:00] What kind of people should we spend our time with?
- [23:40] Why should we always be focused on so that we’re never defeated by the troubles around us in life?
- [26:51] Why do we completely hope ad trust in the Lord God in every aspect of our life?
- [27:31} What is God’s nation at present?
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INC International Edition
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Bob Pellien
Minister of the Gospel
San Francisco, California
Brother Bob Pellien: Hello, I’m Bob Pellien, and this is the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition. Today’s topic: ‘Dealing with the Pain.’ We’ve all been there. The ups and downs of life, stresses from family problems, money problems, health problems, all leading to distress and pain. So what’s the solution? Is it drinking alcohol or maybe illegal drugs? Is there really a solution that works?
We’ll answer this and much more today in our panel discussion. And joining us today is a Brother Eric Waterman in Quezon City, Philippines.
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Eric Waterman
Minister of the Gospel
Quezon City, Philippines
Brother Eric Waterman: Hello brothers. Good day to all.
Brother Bob: Brother Jay Acuña from Ontario, Canada.
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Jay Acuña
Minister of the Gospel
Ontario, Canada
Brother Jay Acuña: Hello Brother Bob and all the viewers.
Brother Bob: As well as Brother Cromwell Correa in Bonn, Germany.
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Cromwell Correa
Minister of the Gospel
Bonn, Germany
Brother Cromwell Correa: Hello Brother Bob..
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Today’s Topic
“Dealing with the Pain”
Brother Bob: Brothers our topic is ‘Dealing with the Pain’ and this includes making the right choices for our life and for our well-being, right? Many people make the choice to drink alcohol or use prescription medicine, which you know sometimes leads to illicit drugs in an attempt to seemingly cope with the difficulties in life.
You know, the problem with this decision is the long-term result that leads oftentimes to addiction to the chosen coping mechanism, right? So first, let’s find out what’s the meaning of addiction in the first place, Brother Jay.
Brother Jay: Correct Brother Bob. Here is the definition of the word addiction from the Addiction is the repeated involvement with a substance or activity, despite the substantial harm it now causes, because that involvement was (and may continue to be) pleasurable and/or valuable.
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Definition of Addiction
The term ‘addiction’ can mean many things to many people. For our purposes, we define addiction as follows.
Addiction is the repeated involvement with a substance or activity, despite the substantial harm it now causes, because that involvement was (and may continue to be) pleasurable and/or valuable.
Brother Jay: So addiction is something that we have to be truly aware of because it poses a great danger of harm to the person who is addicted to that activity or substance. And sometimes the harm could be significant.
Brother Bob: So for more insight brothers, let’s understand, how does addiction start? I think we understand the word addiction now, Brother Jay, but how does it begin?
Let’s watch a video that helps us understand that. Take a look.
[Video Starts]
Voice over: So how does addiction start? Here’s what happens. A teen has a lot to cope with and poor coping skills. They try alcohol and drugs. Maybe their brain chemistry causes them to be more susceptible. The teen’s brain learns that, at least in the short term, the alcohol or drugs gives them a way to temporarily neglect or forget the stresses in their life. Which is a flawed way of coping that can become their identity.
The party friend who is willing to try anything or the friend who can get you drugs and might give them a way to fit in socially and have fun. It might help them, for a moment, forget about their stress. The teen starts using alcohol or drugs more frequently. This is where things come apart. Repeated use does three things.
The teen’s brain has learned that in the short term, alcohol and drugs can help them cope. With repeated use, this bad learning loop becomes ingrained and deeper. The teenager gets to the point of automatically reaching for alcohol or drugs when they’re stressed without even thinking about it. With repeated use, the chemicals and alcohol, and drugs also change the brain, making the teenager even less self-aware of how they’re going off the rails.
And repeated use makes life situations worse, which just increases stress and feeds into the negative loop. Without a change, this path ends in addiction, jail, or death.
[Video Ends]
Brother Bob: Dear friends, in this video, you know it shows how poor coping skills can sometimes trick a person—especially the youth—trick them into experimenting with alcohol and drugs. And, you know, in the beginning of use, as the brain learns at least in the short term, that the alcohol or the drugs would provide them a way to temporarily neglect or even forget their stresses in life.
We should notice that it may seem to numb the pain or the stress, but it doesn’t truly eliminate those things or eliminate the causes of the distress. So, Brother Eric, what ends up happening in the end of it all because of this?
Brother Eric: Well, Brother Bob, alcohol and drug use may become the person’s focal point or his identity and might help for a moment to forget about the problems or the stress of life, but then it would lead to even more frequent use of that alcohol or drug. So addiction develops in a person’s life when he automatically reaches for those substances without even thinking about it when he has a problem or when he is stressed out. Then less self-awareness results in the situation only gets worse. It would feed into a negative loop where the only coping mechanism known to that person would be to use drugs and alcohol or a mixture of these substances that cause true harm Instead of solving the initial problem or the stress that that person needs to deal with in the first place.
Brother Cromwell: Yes, Brother Eric. And statistics also show that addiction to substances is truly harmful. If we look into, It states there according to addiction statistics. Addiction kills thousands of Americans each year and impacts millions of lives.
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Statistics On Addiction In America
Brother Cromwell: Drug overdose deaths have more than tripled since 1990, and over 90% of those with an addiction began drinking, smoking, or using illicit drugs before the age of 18.
Brother Bob: And that’s why, brothers, for this reason, we need to know that in facing stress and facing difficulties in life, there is a way. There’s someone that we truly need to help us and there’s a way out of the negative loop that you have been mentioning, brothers. Who do we need? Who do we need when we when we really have to cope with something that’s really challenging and difficult to face in life? Brother Jay.
Brother Jay: Excellent question Brother Bob. And the answer can be found in Psalms in 32 and the verse is 8. This is what our Lord God says:
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you
[Psalm 3:8 International Version]
Brother Jay: Who should we depend on when we have to face something in our life? Our Lord God Himself. Because God promised that He will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. That’s why here in the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ, why do we value God’s counsel in the Bible so much? Because God Himself said, I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. So here we can always feel God’s love every time He teaches us with His words.
Brother Bob: But why is it necessary, brothers, that we allow God to teach and instruct us in the way that we should go? Maybe some would say, shouldn’t I just be able to do whatever I want or whatever I feel is good for myself? I’m free to just do what I want, right?
Brother Eric: Very good question, Brother Bob. The reason that we should always have God’s guidance is written here in the Bible. In Galatians chapter 5:19 and 21, we can read:
It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: … uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. This isn’t the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom.
[Galatians 5:19 & 21 The Message]
Brother Eric: So, Brother Bob and dear brothers, what results if you do whatever you want to do or whatever you like to do? It develops into a kind of life that would not lead to God’s kingdom. Why do we know that it would be harmful and not lead to God’s kingdom if we do our own way and not God’s way or God’s guidance? Because it develops uncontrolled or uncontrollable addictions.
Brother Bob: Well, brothers, what’s the warning though, from the Bible about that? Let’s go back to your Brother Eric. What’s the warning? Because maybe someone would say, “Well, don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” Maybe they would respond that way.
Brother Eric: Well the Bible stated if you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom. Is that what we want? So God’s loving kindness and counsel truly lead us to salvation. Why? Because that’s what God wants for us. But the moment we ignore God’s teaching or when we don’t value God’s word or His guidance in our life, it would lead to an even larger problem in this life. Most importantly, it would lead to God’s anger and punishment.
Brother Bob: So let’s go to your Brother Cromwell there in Germany. How valuable is it that we’re guided by God’s words? The question here, the emphasis there is how valuable is it and how important is it that we allow ourselves to be guided by the words of God that we don’t take advice from just anyone that we may come across in life, or especially maybe online in some whatever online forum? What’s the danger of seeking advice from just anyone?
Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob, there is definitely a danger and it is written here in 2 Peter chapter 2 and the verse is 19 and this is what we can read from the Holy Scriptures:
They promised them freedom while they themselves are slaves of destructive habits—for we are slaves of anything that has conquered us.
[2 Peter 2:19 Good News Bible]
Brother Cromwell: Brother Bob and our dear viewers, what is the danger of seeking advice from just anyone? Many promised freedom while they themselves are slaves of destructive habits. So if a person allows a so-called friend to give him, for example, alcohol or drugs, to “numb the pain”, or if we follow a group of people to do this just to find a way to bond, then it would only lead to destructive habits. Remember, there is no one who cares for us more than how God cares for each and every one of us. Then why then should we allow instead God’s words to be our complete guidance? Because as we just read in the Bible, we are slaves of anything that has conquered us. So what should we do? Let us allow God to conquer us through His words, and God will only lead us to His eternal kingdom.
Brother Bob: Exactly Brother Cromwell, thank you for that. But why do you say so adamantly that God’s words in the Bible are what we so dearly need and they’re so important—significant?
Brother Cromwell: Well, Brother Bob because of what God’s words can do and provide for us.
Brother Bob: So I just tossed it to you, Brother Cromwell. What are those, what are those advantages of the scriptures?
Brother Cromwell: Well Brother Bob, as we can read in 2 Timothy, chapter 3 verses 16 to 17, this is what it states:
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
[II Timothy 3:16-17 New King James Version]
Brother Bob: So brothers, are there any particular moments then in life where a person might find themselves more vulnerable to harmful influences and influencers?
Brother Jay: Yes, that’s important to know, to be aware. We have to be more careful, Brother Bob, when times like these come, as we can read in Psalms, in 55 and the verse is 3:
I am panic-stricken at the hostile shouts, at the shrill clamour of the wicked; for they heap trouble on me and revile me in their furry.
[Psalm 55:3 The Message]
Brother Jay: When should we be more careful in seeking and accepting influence? When we are panic-stricken. As you have mentioned earlier, Brother Bob, maybe because of daily stresses from family problems, money problems, and even health problems. Not to mention if a very unexpected event suddenly comes. During those times, we would need God’s love even more, not just anyone’s influence.
Brother Bob: Exactly Brother Jay, that’s correct. But how can a person be completely prepared for these moments of panic when they come?
Brother Jay: The only way is if we are full of God’s guidance through His words in the Bible that we constantly study God’s words with proper guidance.
Brother Eric: And Brother Jay, Brother Bob, this is the reason why we invite our viewers to visit the closest congregation of the Church Of Christ to begin their free Bible studies, wherein you’ll learn the words of God, not merely anyone’s opinion or ideas. But remember that our Lord God would counsel us with His love and that you would certainly feel this love from God during these Bible studies.
Brother Bob: What then would be the result brothers, if we have complete guidance from God and our coping skills are reinforced with God’s words from the Holy Scriptures? Well, what’s going to be gained?
Brother Jay: The result will be like the experience of the first-century Christians written here in 2 Corinthians in chapter 4, verses 8 and 9. This is what we can read:
We are pushed hard from all sides. But we are not beaten down. We are bewildered. But that doesn’t make us lose hope. … We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.
[2 Corinthians 4:8-9 International Reader’s Version]
Brother Jay: So what did the first Christians experience? They were pushed hard, bewildered, hunted down, and even knocked down. But what did they experience? That God never abandoned them. When they were pushed hard, they weren’t beaten down, they never lost hope. And even when knocked down, they got up again and kept going. They didn’t need any other influence. They didn’t need any substance so that they could cope up with their bitter experiences.
Brother Eric: Dear friends, the constant counsel, and reminders from God are what we truly need to make us keep coming back for more of God’s guidance in our life.
Brother Bob: It’s truly possible brothers, to never be lost, even during times of trouble in life, right? That’s reserved for those, however, who have already made the decision to surrender completely to God and make Him their guide at all times. But what biblical truth will help the youth that may be viewing our program today, brothers—help them avoid addiction and what would all of us benefit most of all from if we devote ourselves to it? Brother Eric, let’s go to you.
Brother Eric: Brother Bob, this is what the Bible teaches us here in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and the verse is 33 and then we’ll also read in verse 58:
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” … So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord’s service is ever useless.
[1 Corinthians 15:33 & 58 Good News Bible]
Brother Eric: So Brother Bob and dear friends, what truth should help our youth and young people in avoiding addiction? Well, the verse said, “Don’t be misled. Bad company corrupts good character.” So choosing the people that surround us or that we spend time with is truly vitally important. Why? Because bad company will corrupt good character. When God’s words start to build our good character then we would be far away from making the wrong decisions in life.
Brother Bob: What’s the danger then, Brother Eric?
Brother Eric: Well, Brother Bob, choosing to go with the wrong company or bad company would corrupt the good teachings that we learn from God—the guidance of God’s words. And where would that lead? To destruction and even more problems in a person’s life.
Brother Cromwell: So dear viewers, especially the youth, what kind of people should we spend our time with? Those who are always busy in the work for God because nothing we do for the Lord’s service is ever useless.
Brother Bob: So to you, dear friends, all our viewers, please give time for the Bible studies that we offer here in the Church Of Christ, you know? We show people how to become even more occupied in our services to the Lord. And this has led so many times to a great change in the lives of people for the good. And before we continue with our discussion, brothers, let’s introduce our viewers to Sean. Dear friends, take a look.
Sean grew up using alcohol to deal with pain. He started drinking at the age of 12 and was then addicted to cocaine by the age of 17 and was in and out of rehab centers six times. Then one day he met someone at a coffee shop who introduced him to the Church Of Christ and a community of people who helped him in his recovery. Take a look.
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Sean Campbell
Calgary, Canada
Sean Campbell: I believe that there are people in this world that do receive some level of recovery, but are they truly sober? I mean, are they truly cured of this illness? For myself, you know, the brotherhood inside the Church Of Christ allows me to renew my life and to follow people that are actually living a good life, living a holy life.
Where other people in recovery, there’s a term they call dry drunk, it’s somebody that has abstained from alcohol or drugs, but actually, they’re not living a renewed life or a holy life at all. And I believe that once they run into a problem in their life, as you guys have discussed on the show, they’ll turn back to it. So you can get some good clean time, but I don’t believe you’re fully going to be cured of the illness.
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Today’s Topic
Dealing with the Pain
Sean Campbell: I think I’ve been living, you know, non-wholly or non-spiritual life so long that I didn’t know how to act Christian. I didn’t know the values of a Christian. And to see the other brethren inside the Church and how they behave day to day and the things that they abstain from, and the value system that we have, I think that was something I needed to learn in my life.
So I’d like to say that I do have a wonderful life now. There is a lot going on in my life that’s very positive and I made it through it by having not just having my minister to talk to or other brethren to talk to, but most importantly to God because of this ability now to have God in my life and to not only feel like I have Him to talk to but that He is answering me back.
It’s giving me a completely different outlook on life, and it’s something that I feel so blessed to have in my life now. Where I don’t need to turn to alcohol. I can always just turn to God.
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Brother Bob: Since being introduced and baptized in the Church Of Christ, Sean has found a much more effective way in dealing with life’s struggles. And he’s had this message to others.
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Sean Campbell: I feel that you know, sharing my message isn’t just one that is commanded to do in the Bible. I believe it’s my responsibility as someone who’s a recovered alcoholic and addict, to make sure that I can help other people from this illness. So I would say to them, you know, don’t give up. And mean this from the bottom of my heart. Do not give up until you’ve had a chance to hear your calling from the Church.
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To learn more about the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), log onto and
Sean Campbell: If you have attended a Bible study with me or with any other brethren and you didn’t hear it, don’t stop there, you know, go through the Bible lessons—for the amount of effort and the pain and the suffering that you’re going to go through in your life, to continue to use drugs and alcohol, it’s nothing. It takes about half or a third of the amount of effort to just continue doing some Bible studies and listening and asking questions that you need to ask to see if you can finally get this thing that I have found. And all I’m asking is that you choose life.
[Video Ends}
Brother Bob: As we can see Brother Sean’s story as well is a perfect example of how the power of God’s words can truly change a person for the better. And as mentioned by Sean, what we should always be focused on so that we’re never defeated by the troubles around us in life? What is it that we should focus on according to the Bible? Brother Jay, let’s go to you and continue.
Brother Jay: We truly hope that the answer can help because it can be found in 2nd Corinthians 4:18. This is what it says:
So we do not look at what we can see right now, the troubles all around us, but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.
[2 Corinthians 4:18 The Living Bible]
Brother Jay: First we need to understand what should true servants of God not focus too much on, the troubles around us here in this world. As Apostle Paul said, we do not look at what we can see right now. What did we learn to focus on as members of the Church Of Christ? We look forward to the joys in heaven, which we have not yet seen.
Brother Bob: Brother Jay, why is this the right focus that everyone should have?
Brother Jay: Because the troubles which we experience here in this world will soon be over, but the joys to come, that which is in heaven, will last forever.
Brother Eric: For us as members of the Church Of Christ, leading a life that’s devoted to God now will result in safety from all the troubles, the stress, and the problems that we experience in our life.
Why? Because we know that God will not abandon us. More importantly, dedication to God will also lead us to everlasting life, or the true life, which is eternal joy in God’s kingdom.
Brother Bob: So what are we now sharing with you dear friends, all our viewers today, especially those who may even right now be afflicted with deep troubles and we’re hoping that it would help avoid the wrong choices that sometimes people do make. Brother Eric?
Brother Eric: Well Brother Bob, what we’re now sharing is what Church Of Christ members have learned to do in their Bible studies and in worship service. And that is to completely trust and hope in God. As what is stated in Psalms 57, verses 1 to 3. Allow me to read:
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful, because I come to you for safely. In the shadow of your wings I find protection until the end raging storms are over. I call to God, the Most High, to God, who supplies my every need. He will answer from heaven and save me; he will defeat my oppressors. God will show me his constant love and faithfulness.
[Psalms 57:1-3 Good News Bible]
Brother Eric: Why do we completely hope and trust in the Lord God in every aspect of our life? Because as God’s servant said in this verse, “Oh God, be merciful, because I come to you for safety.” How much safety is God able to provide or give to us? The servant of God added, “I find protection until the raging storms are over.”
Brother Cromwell: But remember dear viewers, who can hope and trust in God to receive His constant love? Those who are considered by God as His servants or God’s nation. What is God’s nation at present? The true Church Of Christ. So in the Church Of Christ, we learn to be prayerful to God, and God will be with us through the storms of this life.
What then, would be our identity? We will be the people who truly believe that God supplies all of our needs, that God saves us and answers our prayers, and that God will show us His constant love. And what will be the result of that? We will always be with our Almighty God.
Brother Bob: And here, your friends inside the Church Of Christ, we will help you be devoted in your service to the Lord, knowing that, well, all of our work in the Lord will be useful for the end result of salvation.
Well, we want to think about God for showing us the biblical truth about this important topic today. We thank you as well for joining us in this study. We hope that all of you, our listeners and viewers, have benefited from the words of God that we upload here inside the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church Of Christ.
We’d like to thank Brother Jay Acuña there in Ontario, Canada. As well as Brother Eric Waterman in Quezon City, Philippines, and Brother Cromwell Correa in Bonn, Germany. Thank you, brothers, for providing Bible-based answers.
Well, that does it for us today on the Iglesia Ni Cristo International Edition.
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Bob Pellien
Minister of the Gospel
San Francisco, California
Brother Bob: We hope that all of us, all of you will join us again next time. I’m Bob Pellien. Thanks for watching.
We invite you all to join us for a closing prayer.
Brother Cromwell: Our merciful, our loving God in heaven. Once again, we thank You so much, dear Father, for being with us in our program. Please, dear God, may this program have reached many people in this world, most especially those who are going through troubles and difficulties in their life. May they seek You in their life, dear God. May Your words be their guide. So that, dear Father, not only that, they will be able to overcome their troubles, but Your words will lead them toward salvation.
Please bless everyone whom You have utilized as an instrument in this program. And please, dear God, may You continue to bless our Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, so that he may continue to lead the entirety of Your Church to give honor and glory unto You.
We firmly believe, dear Father, that You have heard our prayer. You have blessed each and every one of us. For we ask everything for through the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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