Un verdadero cambio en la vida

La superación personal es una meta noble. Para alguien que busca una nueva forma de vida, ¿cuál es el cambio más verdadero que puede realizar?
“I Am” of John 8:58 Explained

If God’s name is “I Am” is Jesus also God based on what he said in John 8:58? Who is the “I Am” in the Bible?
Dealing With Anger Biblically

Should we let our anger control our actions? A young mom has a hard time dealing with anger in a healthy way and asks for advice from the Bible.
Malta to Japan: New Beginning and Celebrations in the Church Of Christ

From Europe to Asia, the latest and inspiring events happening around the world in the Church Of Christ. Featuring: Gozo Inaugural Worship Service in Mediterranean, 13th Anniversary celebration in Tokyo, Japan, Officers Special Gathering in Western Europe, Evangelical Mission and Welcome, My Brethren’ event in Thailand.
More Join True Faith in Asia, Caribbean, and North America

Through friends and loved ones, many continue to discover and join the true faith through holy baptism from around the world. Featuring the ecclesiastical districts of New Jersey, Northeast California, Caribbean, and Taiwan.
INC Reaches and Outreaches to Places in Western Hemisphere

INC Reaches and Outreaches to Places in Western Hemisphere RICHIE FERRERA: From Central America to North America. We take a look at some of the latest events happening in the Church of Christ. Let’s check it out. [VIDEO STARTS] RICHIE FERRERA: Our first stop takes us to the Ecclesiastical District of Greater Toronto. […]
How Do I Know I’m a True Christian?

You might ask yourself: do I have to be baptized? If you’re a true believer of Christ, you might also be wondering if there is a true church today. Find out.
Don’t Blame God

When life doesn’t go as planned, some play the blame game; blaming their situation on circumstances, other people, and even God. Why should we self-examine, and is it possible to turn things around when we experience hardship and challenges?
Enjoying God’s Gifts

Despite the problems and challenges in life, God blessed mankind with gifts for their happiness and wellbeing. Learn more in this episode of God’s Message podcast.
Christmas Is Not A Christian Holiday

Unwrap the truth about Christmas in this thought-provoking episode! Explore the religious aspects of Christmas and delve into the biblical account of the birth of Jesus, separating fact from fiction. Challenge common misconceptions as we unravel whether Christmas is truly a religious holiday or if it’s just a man made tradition because Christmas in the not in the Bible. You’ll discover surprising insights that may reshape your perspective on this festive season.