Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Is God Working in Your Life?

Girl staring at the sunset behind the trees on a hill.

See how God is at work in your life, using all things for good. Read stories from individuals who experienced blessings through the hardships they faced.

Does Hebrews 1:8 call Jesus “God”?

Highlighted portion of a Bible verse; additional text reads: Is Hebrews 1:8 translated correctly?

Some believe that God and Jesus are equal, or that Christ is superior to the Father in the Bible. Is Jesus God in Hebrews 1:8 or is there a correct way to understand this verse?

Coworkers Volunteer Outside of Work

Smiling group of men, women and children standing next to red text that reads "Coworkers Volunteer Outside of Work at at Food Bank"

Have you ever wanted to volunteer somewhere but wanted to experience it with friends? See how Jasmin Mananquil invited a coworker to join her and other INC Giving volunteers to help pack meals at Community Mission of Hope in Temecula, California.

School Supply Giveaways and Good Food

Young girl, mother and child standing in the center of image next to another image of a large group all smiling. Text above reads "School Supply Giveaways and Good Food Bring People Together"

In this recap, join Elijah to see how school supply giveaways and good food brought people together during INC Giving projects held in different communities all around the world.

From Canada to Australia, Milestones in the Church Of Christ

A collage of photos featuring groups of people smiling with tarp banners and a light up letters.

From Canada to Australia, the Church Of Christ witnesses more milestones and inspiring events. Featuring: 50th Anniversary celebration in Florida, Evangelical Mission in Hawaii-Pacific, Nova Scotia Inagural Worship Service in Ottawa, and Baptisms in Calgary and Australia East.

Lent Fasting: Is it Worth it?

An empty plate on a table; text reads "What's the purpose of fasting?"

What kind of fasting is in the Bible? What is the purpose of fasting during Lent? Are the fasting rules for Lent of the Catholic Church in the Bible?
