The Era of Global Expansion Begins

Under the leadership of Brother Eraño G. Manalo the Church was about to expand outside the Philippines.
However, as the world faced various challenges, could the Church achieve global expansion?
Watch the third of four episodes commemorating the 100th birth anniversary of Brother Eraño G. Manalo.
New Era, New Challenges

When Brother Felix Y. Manalo, God’s Messenger in these last days, passed away, a profound question arose: Could Brother Eraño G. Manalo fulfill the immense task of leading the Church in the face of a new era of challenges ahead?
This is the second episode of a four-part documentary series commemorating the 100th birth anniversary of Brother Eraño G. Manalo.
Continuing God’s Work of Salvation

Brother Felix Y. Manalo, God’s Messenger in these last days, trained Brother Eraño G. Manalo for the great task ahead—administering the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), ensuring its steadfast faith and unity as it continues to grow and prepare for the attainment of God’s promised salvation.
This is the first episode of a four-part documentary series commemorating the 100th birth anniversary of Brother Eraño G. Manalo.
Is Hell a Real Place?

Is hell eternal? It’s been featured in books and movies, but what is hell like? How is eternal punishment in the lake of fire described in the Bible?
Inmensamente agradecido

Carlos sigue inmensamente agradecido por haber encontrado la verdadera Iglesia, lo que cambió su vida.
Eaton Fire Victims Assisted by Pasadena Congregation

Victims of the Eaton Fire in Los Angeles County are provided relief goods by the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) in Pasadena.
Caring For Your Neighborhood and Others

There are many ways to show someone you care–volunteering your time and effort is a great way to do that. Caring for your neighborhood is another way to show that we appreciate one another. There are countless ways, as we can see in this newest INC Giving recap episode. Join Taylor Joy for more inspiration.
Appreciation Day For Health Care Workers

INC Giving volunteers organized an appreciation day for health care workers, a vaccination clinic for pets, and a cleaning of beaches and rivers.
Qué esperar en un servicio de adoración de la Iglesia De Cristo

¿Usted se pregunta cómo es un servicio de adoración en la Iglesia De Cristo? Le guiaremos paso a paso para que no haya sorpresas. ¡Adore con nosotros!
Musician Who Found the True Faith

A former sacristan, Joel found purpose through his passion for music. His journey led him to something greater—the true faith.
Discover how his faith gave him strength to resist temptations as he reached for his dreams and guided his family—even from afar—to do what pleases God.