How Much Do Words Matter?

We ask the question “How much do words matter?” And hear from a published author about her journey in deciding to share positive words through her children’s book and later hear from a Clinical Psychologist about the neuroscience behind how words we hear, read, and even say really matter and why our words are so powerful.
Learning Kindness From Parent-Child Bonding

Listen to how this father grew to understand the ways a parent can serve as a role model for their children and how parent-child bonding through acts of kindness can make a lasting impression.
How An Unexpected Friendship Changed My Life

What can opening up to receiving kindness from others lead to? See how an unexpected friendship formed between a California rideshare driver and a passenger, proving that friendship can change lives.
Cancer Survivor Shows How Kindness Heals

By overcoming the odds and finding inspiration year after year, see how this cancer survivor chose to give back and live with an attitude of gratitude.
Growing Up And Living With Compassion

What’s one of the most important values one can carry into adulthood? Kindness. We explore how living with compassion and kindness has helped this young professional through the decades. Join us as we focus on why compassion is good for us no matter how young or old we are.
Build Good Habits for a Growth Mindset

Studies show it takes repetition and constant conscious effort for a habit to form. We talk with a woman who uses her digital footprint to spread positivity. Learn how an attitude of gratitude can help in developing good habits and a growth mindset and help us focus on the good that we can do.
The Healing Power of Kindness

Doing good is not only healthy for the heart and mind, but for the soul. Hear straight from a health expert and a Minister of the Gospel about the healing power of kindness and see how they affirm what the Bible says about making the most from every opportunity to do good.
How To Teach Kindness To Kids

“Please” and “thank you” might be a good start, but how else can we teach compassion in our family and raise kind kids with generous hearts? Teresa Castro, an educator and mother from Irvine, California joins us to reflect on family giving and strengthening relationships with kindness, as we focus on using our blessings as the best lesson plans.
Building Confidence in Yourself and Others

Can we make a difference if we don’t believe we can? In choosing to help others, confidence plays a big role in taking that first step. See how faith and entrepreneurism gave this man the confidence to recognize his path to helping others improve their health mentally, physically and spiritually.
Doing Good One Step at a Time

A discussion with a runner and kindness ambassador, who takes us through the steps of how to stay motivated to continue doing good by keeping a steady pace and finding endurance to keep yourself inspired no matter what.