The True Church

There are those who have just chosen to accept the popular belief that all religions are the same. But how could all religions be true when their doctrine and beliefs are not only different, but also in conflict? The Bible teaches of only one true Church and that it has the name “Church Of Christ,” is prophesied, and believes that the Father alone is the true God.
The Family Whose Prayers Will Be Answered

In the face of mounting problems in the world today, challenges and hardships are inevitably experienced by our family. How can we receive God’s help in our lives? What qualities must our family have to be blessed by God? Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.
Making Our Parents Proud

What makes a good son or daughter? It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents while they are still around to savor it.
Facing Life’s Woes

No one is exempt from experiencing problems and hardships in life. But, how can we properly deal with these troubles? Learn more in this episode of the God’s Message podcast. Visit Pasugo: God’s Message Magazine to read more articles on how God’s words can guide your life.
The Biblical Teachings About Mary

The Virgin Mary is said to be sinless and the mother of God. But are these “titles” biblically sound? Find out the truth on this episode of the God’s Message podcast.
Enjoying God’s Gifts

Despite the problems and challenges in life, God blessed mankind with gifts for their happiness and wellbeing. Learn more in this episode of God’s Message podcast.
More Important Than Wealth And Wisdom

While acquiring things like money or higher education can be beneficial, these still have their limits in how far they can take us in life. So what is it that’s more valuable than wealth and wisdom? The Bible answers, in this episode of God’s Message podcast.
Numbers Don’t Make A Religion True

Is the “rule of majority” valid when it comes to true religion? Learn the answer from the Bible, in this podcast.
Children Deserve Parental Love

Is adversity an excuse for poor parenting? Is material wealth the key to right parenting? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this podcast.
Teamwork And Its Worth

‘Together Everyone Achieves More’—is this true? Does TEAMwork really work? Find out now in this episode of God’s Message podcast.