Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You


The developing mind of a child inevitably involves some very big feelings. What's a parent to do when tantrums and meltdowns push them to the limit?

Jeffrey de Guia

Denise Alignay

Macy Nucup-Padilla

Quiet quitting, burnout, feeling may have felt it too! See how a change in perspective helped a woman overcome languishing to start flourishing!

Michelle Barreda

New baby, new title, and a whole new set of responsibilities. A Christian dad reflects and shares the lessons fatherhood has taught him so far.
Michael Bigayan

Michael Bigayan

In the face of racial injustice, an African-American dad shares how God’s words guide him in teaching his children how to respond with love.
Antwan Pryor

Antwan Prior

¿Frustrado y decepcionado por su iglesia o religión actual? ¿Se pregunta si es hora de irse? Lea 4 señales para saber si es hora de salir de su iglesia.

INC Media Contributor
