Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Donald Pinnock

Donald Pinnock

This blog was written by Donald Pinnock, a minister of the gospel in the Church Of Christ. An ordained minister for over 18 years, he hosts the show, The Solution, where he helps individuals find solutions to life’s problems by turning to the Bible.

Struggling with feeling aimless during this COVID-19 pandemic? The Bible offers hope and solutions on how to get through feelings of languishing.
What does the Bible say about dealing with jealousy and envy? How can we avoid the negative effects of jealousy? What should we do to overcome envy?
Why still worship God during a pandemic? What can we gain from true worship? Find out why this time of uncertainty is the perfect opportunity to seek God.
More and more individuals resort to hurting themselves because of problems and unbearable emotional pain. Can the Bible help people overcome self-harm?