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What is Salvation? Why Do We Need It?

Why do we need salvation? Christians believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior, but saved from what? What is salvation in the Bible, and why is it so important to be saved as a Christian?


BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Have you heard someone tell you that you need to be saved? People often ask each other, “Are you saved?” Well dear friends, saved from what? And why do we need salvation in the first place, right? Can the Bible answer these questions and tell us exactly how to be saved?


The Bible: the basis of our faith in the Church Of Christ, which answers questions about proper worship, the right relationship with God, and most importantly, salvation. That’s in the Bible.

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: I’m Bob Pellien, and welcome to the program That’s in the Bible. We’ve recently studied on this program what the Bible actually teaches about Judgment Day and the eternal punishment experienced in hell, or lake of fire. Since then, we’ve received various questions asking, what then is the solution or the way to escape that horrible fate of sinners? We received an email from Alan who asked, why did God create mankind? But not everyone will be saved in the end.

So, to address Alan’s concerns, let’s break down our discussion and answer these questions today: 

  1. Who’s to blame if a person ends up eternally punished? 
  2. How can one make the right decision and choose an everlasting life? 
  3. What is God’s way of salvation? 
  4. If there is hope for salvation, why are there still those who will be destroyed?

So, dear friends, let’s start with the first question. Who’s to blame if a person ends up eternally punished? The Bible responds in Deuteronomy. Let’s read Deuteronomy. We’re going to read chapter 30, verses 15 and 19 where it reads:


Today I’m giving you a choice. You can have life and success. Or you can have death and harm. …But I want you to choose life. Then you and your children will live. 

Deuteronomy 30:15 & 19 New International Reader’s Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Here, dear friends, God states, “I’m giving you a choice.” And what are the only two choices that God gives the people He has created? He said, here “you can have life and success or you can have death and harm.” 

Therefore, it’s up to the individual person themself to make up his or her own decision. There’s no one else to blame but the individual who ends up well in eternal death, if that’s what they have chosen. So, Alan, to answer your question. It’s not God’s fault then if a person ends up condemned in the end because it’s what that individual has chosen for themself.

But notice the love and the compassion of God when what He feels for the people by guiding them to make the right decision. Remember as we read, what did He say? He taught, “I want you to choose life.” So not only did God give us the freedom to choose our fate, He also gave us the correct decision to make because He loves us.

How do you make the right choice then? How will you prove that you really want to make the right decision and choose life everlasting? Well, let’s keep reading in Deuteronomy chapter 30, we read, 15 and 19. Let’s turn this time to verse 20: 


that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days;…

Deuteronomy 30:20 New King James Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So, dear friends, according to what we have read, the way to choose life is by proving that we love God. And we do that by obeying His voice. Now we know that there are many who may be hearing this, and well, will automatically think that they are doing that already. They may openly even say they love God and claim maybe that they hear God’s voice in their dreams or life experiences.

But according to the Bible, how do we obey God’s voice, which proves then our love for Him? We go to the Holy Bible for the answer, and we do so by turning to the writings of the Apostle John. First John chapter five, verse three. It reads: 


For our love for God means that we obey his commands. And his commands are not too hard for us,

1 John 5:3 Good News Translation

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Dear friends, the Bible makes it clear, then, that our love for God means that we obey His commands and God’s commands written here in the Holy Bible, and they are what we have, what we must obey. We can’t get around that. Obeying God’s voice means obeying His commands. We cannot avoid or ignore the need to first of all, learn God’s commands so that we can then obey them.

What would it mean if we do obey God’s commands? Obedience to His commands, as we’ve seen here, it’s the evidence of our love for God and in turn prove one’s making the right decision and has chosen life everlasting. So we need to remember, though, that there’s only two options or two choices. If one does not obey God’s laws or His commands, what choice is being revealed by that?

If loving God means obeying His laws, what does it mean to break God’s law? Remaining here in the same writings of the Apostle John. First John three, this time we’ll read verse four: 


Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God’s law, because sin is a breaking of the law. 

1 John 3:4 Good News Translation 

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Here we learned dear friends, that whoever breaks God’s law is a sinner because sin is, as we just read, it’s breaking of the law.

How many of us have done this? Just one. Just two? Just some? Oh, no. Let’s turn to the writings of Apostle Paul this time, in Romans chapter three, verse 23. It reads:  


for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God, 

Romans 3:23 New King James Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So since all have sinned, what’s the situation everyone finds themselves in Romans 6:23 states: 


For the wages of sin is death,… 

Romans 6:23 New King James Version

So because all have sinned, all have to pay the wages of death, which is to be eternally punished in the lake of fire. And that’s based on Revelation 20, verse 14 and verse ten, which we’ve studied together recently here on this program.


Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Revelation 20:14,10 New King James Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So, dear friends, since our sins are mankind’s greatest dilemma, receiving forgiveness from our sins. Well, that’s the way to salvation. So, according to the Bible, what is the only way that God will forgive us of our sins committed? Or what’s God’s way of salvation? Let’s ask it that way. What’s God’s way of salvation? Well, we turn to the book of Hebrews, and the Bible continues, providing us answers to these questions. We’ll turn to chapter nine. We’ll read verse 22 as well as 14:


Indeed, according to the Law, almost everything is purified by blood, and sins are forgiven only if blood is poured out.

Since this is true, how much more is accomplished by the blood of Christ! Through the eternal Spirit he offered himself as a perfect sacrifice to God. His blood will purify our consciences from useless rituals, so that we may serve the living God.

Hebrews 9:22,14 Good News Translation

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So here, dear friends, we learned that sins are forgiven only if blood is poured out. Whose blood needs to be poured out for the forgiveness of our sins? Can it be our own blood or the blood of a loved one? A relative? No, because all of us committed sins. So whose blood only can accomplish forgiveness?

The Bible teaches the blood of Christ. Why only Christ? Well, because we read “he offered himself as a perfect sacrifice to God.” Christ is the perfect sacrifice because he’s the only person that did not commit sin. And we can read that in first Peter two verses 21 and 22. 


For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for [a]us, leaving [b]us an example, that you should follow His steps: “Who committed no sin,
Nor was deceit found in His mouth”;

1 Peter 2:21-22 New King James Version 

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So what is it? What will Christ’s blood do? The Bible teaches that his blood, as we read, will purify. Therefore, everyone needs to find what Christ purified, redeemed, or purchased with his blood in order to receive forgiveness from sins. Based solely on God’s written law, dear friends, what did Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ, purchased with his blood? We turned to the book of Acts, chapter 20, verse 28 wherein the answer is recorded here:


Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ, which he has purchased with his blood. 

Acts 20:28 George Lamsa Translation 

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: The Bible makes it very clear dear friends that it is the Church Of Christ, which he has purchased with his blood. Therefore, the Church Of Christ is God’s way of salvation, and that’s the right choice to make to receive everlasting life. Now, how is the church described in this verse? As we read the Church Of Christ. It was described, the Church Of Christ was described there as the flock. So what if one is outside the Church Of Christ, or outside that flock, or not part of the church, or not part of the flock?

What does Jesus Christ offer as a solution for safety or salvation? The solution? Jesus provides it from quoting his words recorded in chapter ten, verse seven and nine, which reads this way:


So Jesus spoke again: ‘In very truth I tell you, I am the door of the sheepfold.

I am the door; Anyone who comes into the fold through me will be safe…

John 10:7 & 9 Revised English Bible

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Jesus says, “In very truth I tell you, I am the door of the sheepfold.” And dear friends, because Christ is the door of the sheepfold, flock, which is the church, what’s the invitation that he’s providing to everyone and anyone who’s willing to accept the invitation? He said, “anyone who comes into the fold through me will be safe.” So to return to our question, then, those who are outside the flock or outside the Church Of Christ, well, they must come inside in order to be saved.

Although this opportunity of salvation is open to anyone, what does the Bible have to say as to how many will be able to enter and be safe from eternal punishment on Judgment Day? Dear friends, Christ himself answers that question, and he does so recorded here in the book of Matthew, chapter seven. In Matthew seven, verse 13 and 14:


Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 New King James Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Here Christ once again gives the same loving advice, same loving instruction to those who are outside the Church Of Christ. What did he say? Enter. Enter by the narrow gate.

How many will actually be able to understand and find the true church in order to enter it? Christ said “there are few who find it.” Why only a few? He said because “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life.” So we relay to you, dear friends, joining us today in our study these biblical teachings that show us the value and the importance of joining the Church Of Christ.

We so earnestly pray that very soon you will make your choice, and your choice will be to join with us here inside the Church Of Christ. But should we think that merely joining the church, it’s the only law of God that needs to be obeyed? What is still required of those who have chosen life and they’ve joined the Church Of Christ? The Bible gives guidance on that as well. And I’ll quote that here in the book of Romans, chapter eight, 8:13 reads this way:


For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Romans 8:13 New King James Version

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: What should those who have decided, dear friends, to join with us here inside the Church Of Christ, what still must be considered? As we’ve read here, “you live according to the flesh,” what did it say, “you will die.” Therefore, our way of life cannot be lived just however we feel like. Or whatever the whims of our own flesh and desires may be for all of us who have decided to choose life, eternal life, God’s also expecting that we also choose not to live according to the desires of the flesh.

But how does the Bible further tell us what that means? The Bible teaches, as we’ve read, that to “live by the Spirit.” But how do we do that? We’ve also read, by putting to death the deeds of the body. So we are also expected to resist the temptations of the flesh, or the desires that will lead us to sin and ultimately then disqualify us from eternal life.

If we are able to obey faithfully the Lord’s guidance he sends to us, what then will be the good result? As the Bible teaches, if you live by the Spirit, you will live. This is how to truly make the right choice that God gives all of us. Although we’ve all broken God’s laws and committed sins, there is hope for all of us to be saved and receive eternal life.

So, dear friends, if there is hope for salvation, why is it that there are still those that will end up destroyed? To further answer Alan’s question: God created all of mankind, yes, but not everyone will be saved in the end. So we ask, why not? Let’s read the testimony of Apostle Paul regarding this, and he does so, turning to, we can read his testimony recorded here in the scriptures. Romans, this time, chapter ten, verse two and three. Here’s the mistake that is done. I quote: 


I can assure you that they are deeply devoted to God; but their devotion is not based on true knowledge. They have not known the way in which God puts people right with himself, and instead, they’ve tried to set up their own way: and so they did not submit themselves to God’s way of putting people right. 

Romans 10:2-3 Good News Translation

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: Apostle Paul attests here, dear friends, that there are people who are deeply devoted to God. Yes. And that should be a good thing. But what’s the problem? He said their devotion, it’s not based on true knowledge. And what’s the true knowledge that they don’t yet know?

He continued on there and said “they have not known the way in which God puts people right with himself.” So these people do not know about how to receive the forgiveness of sins by following the instruction of Christ to enter into the Church Of Christ and then lead an obedient life. So, according then to the Apostle Paul, what do people do?

Because they want to serve God, but they don’t know the way that God set up. As we also read  there, they’ve tried to set up their own way. So they did not submit themselves to God’s way of putting people right. And again, dear friends, it’s the principle reason why we here in the Church Of Christ, we always share with you what’s actually written in the Holy Bible.

This is so you will know. You will know the way God puts people right with himself. What we read to you, it’s not our personal teachings, opinions, but rather it’s God’s laws and his commands. But let’s remember God does not force anyone to love him. He not force anyone to obey him. God gives people the freedom to choose.

So according to the Bible, what more often than not is the choice that people make? Even after learning the way God teaches to receive salvation and life everlasting? What’s the unfortunate choice that too many people make? Let’s, let’s go to the writings of the prophet Jeremiah, chapter six, verse 16 and 19. It reads:


The LORD said to his people, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace.” But they said, “No, we will not!”…

Listen, earth! As punishment for all their schemes I’m bringing ruin on these people, because they have rejected my teaching and have not obeyed my words.

Jeremiah 6:16 & 19 Good News Bible

BROTHER BOB PELLIEN: So, dear friends, as we read here, even though God makes clear what the right choice is, the proper path or road to walk in, how do most people respond? As we read, they respond by saying, “No, we will not!” Since most people in the world have chosen not to love or obey God, what has He already decided? As we also read here, He said, “Listen, earth! As punishment for all their schemes I’m bringing ruin on these people.” 

Why is there such a punishment for the people on earth which is set for Judgment Day? God explained as we just heard together because they have “rejected my teachings,” said God, “and they have not obeyed my words.” So, dear friends, let’s review the questions that we began with, and let’s see what the Bible has revealed to us.

We began asking, who’s to blame if a person ends up eternally punished? Well, we learned that there’s no one to blame but the individual person themself. Why? Because God gave everyone the freedom to choose to make their own decision regarding their fate. So many make the wrong choice. How about you? Will you make the right choice? 

How can one make the right decision and choose life everlasting? Well, we’ve learned that one chooses life everlasting by obeying God’s commands and proving their love for Him. 

What’s God’s way of salvation? Salvation is achieved when we are forgiven of our sins by joining the Church Of Christ that Christ purified and purchased with his blood. And one should live a renewed life in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And if there is hope then for salvation, why is there still those who will be destroyed? Well, most people have rejected or do not know the truth about God’s way of receiving salvation and have tried to set up their own way, which leads to destruction. We don’t want that for you, dear friends. We don’t want that for you.

We’d like you instead to continue learning about the teachings of the Bible taught here inside the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church Of Christ. To do so, please visit us online and browse the different topics. Or set up an appointment to meet with a minister of the gospel. And if you have any questions about the Bible or salvation, please email them to us.

I’m Bob Pellien. Thanks for watching. See you next time tight here on That’s in the Bible.


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What is Salvation? Why Do We Need It?