Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Responding with Care for Our Salvation

As parents raising a child on the Autism spectrum, Conrad and Grace had a special request that was immediately answered by the Executive Minister, Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo. See how the response showed his great concern for our salvation.


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Conrad Santos

San Diego County



Conrad Santos: Dear Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo. My name is Bro. Conrado Santos and I was introduced to the Church Of Christ 8 years ago through the invitation  directly from our Almighty God. I signed in as a bible student on July 27, 2015 and became a member on February 27, 2016. I’m currently a Deacon, an Overseer and a CFO officer within the Buklod Organization of the Local of Temecula, District of San Diego County, California.

I remembered writing a letter to you early January of 2019 and requested if we can have our daughter Jaedelyne to be offered in the Church Of Christ in a private setting due to her condition. She has an Autism Spectrum Disorder and cannot tolerate crowds, bright lights and she has a very limited attention span.

On behalf of my wife Sister Grace, we would like to thank you for your immediate response to our concern for our daughter. Thank you for allowing our daughter Jaedelyne Santos to be offered in the Church Of Christ in a private setting.

I recalled that night when one of the brothers from the Central office called me directly from the Philippines around midnight here in California, to relay a message from you regarding our request.  You told him to call us right away upon reading our letter to you. He told me that you said, , “Let’s get their daughter offered right away and not to wait, so her name will be added and written in the book of life, for we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.” That night, upon hearing your approval, the tears came down from my eyes because of the joy that I felt at that moment and how the hands of God truly work. I really felt your love and your care for everyone’s salvation.

You immediately informed and assigned our district minister to perform the offering of our daughter together with our resident minister, including some of the deacons and deaconesses in our locale to ensure the solemnity and orderliness of this blessed occasion. She was offered on February 17, 2019, just a few months before the pandemic started.

After my daughter was offered, there are so many great blessings that also came to us, from finding a good doctor, lawyer and basically all the help that we need to care for her. We thank God for all these blessings that He poured down to us. Now, we know whatever challenges, trials or difficulties we face in this lifetime, we know that our Father will always be there by our side to give us the solutions to all of our problems as long as we hold on to his teachings and obey all his commandments. We also have faith that no matter what our daughter is going through right now, our Almighty Father will always take care and watch over her. 

Thank you so much, Brother Eduardo, for all the great things that you do for the Church and all the brethren around the world. We really appreciate your sincere love and concern for everyone’s salvation. I thank God for placing a great leader and administrator like you to shepherd the Church Of Christ on these last works of salvation. May our Almighty God continue to bless you with exceptional health and long life and I hope one of these days, I can meet you and personally thank you.

Your brother in Christ, Bro. Conrado Santos.