Why Is There Evil If All of Us Were Created Good?

Why is there evil, if all of us were created good?
Meaning of the Word in John 1:1

The verse John 1:1 has sparked different conversations and debates regarding the meaning of the “Word.” What did Apostle John mean in this verse?
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

What does the Bible say about abortion? Can you be pro-choice and a Christian? Is abortion really murder? You asked, the Bible answers.
Why Are There So Many Religions?

There is only one true God and one true religion. Why should you be wary of preachers who twist the truth and go beyond what is written in the Bible?
Definition of a Cult

What is the definition of a cult? You asked, the Bible answers.
How to Receive Answers From God

Have you ever asked, “Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? Is He slow to respond?” The road to an answered prayer is more than offering up words to God.
Do Old Testament Laws Still Apply Today?

Has God’s law changed through the different dispensations of time in the Bible? What laws have changed since the Old Testament and who changed them?
Why Are There So Many Christian Denominations

Why are there so many Christian church denominations? How do you know which type of Christianity is one with Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.
Why Did Jesus Die?

Did God send Jesus Christ to die? How does Jesus being crucified on the cross forgive me of my sins? And did Jesus die for everyone?
Are We Hypocrites to Stand While Praying?

What’s the correct praying position? Should we pray on our knees, or stand to pray? How do we make sure not to pray like the hypocrites mentioned in the Bible?