Finding True Purpose

How do we find life’s purpose and meaning of our existence? God created people for a reason and the Bible reveals how to find meaning in your life.
When Will Christ Return?

Is there a timeline for the return of Jesus Christ? Does the Bible give any indication for when people can expect His return? How can people prepare?
Problems in the World Today

Every day, there are bad things happening in the world. How has sin played a part in the world’s instabilities? How can people return to God after sin?
Should Christians Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

What is love in the Bible? Is Valentine’s Day biblical? Is it something Christians should be celebrating to show their love to each other? What can the Bible teach us about love?
Does God Love Everyone Unconditionally?

If God’s love is unconditional, why is the Bible filled with conditions? Will God love me if I’m spiritual but not religious?
What Does Celebrating Easter Say About You?

Easter is considered a fun and widely accepted holiday, but should you celebrate this tradition? What is Easter and what does it mean? How did Easter start and what is the real story behind Easter?
Does God Love Gay People?

Does God love gay people? Did God create homosexuals in His image? What about genetic predisposition? What’s God’s plan for homosexuals in the Bible? You asked, the Bible answered.
What Happens to My Soul When I Die?

What’s the difference between the spirit and the soul? And what happens to the spirit and the soul when a person dies? You asked, the Bible answers.
How Do We Know the Bible is God’s Word?

Among all the different texts various religions base their faith on, why believe the Bible is God’s word? How do we know the Bible is true and accurate?
The Origin of Religion

How long has religion been around? Why are there so many religions in the world? And among them, is there a true religion that can get us to heaven?