The socio-civic and charitable reach of the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo or INC) continues to positively impact residents in Canada with an Aid to Humanity event through the Felix Y. Manalo (FYM) Foundation that aims to help indigenous communities in the Berens River Watershed.
The four communities in the Berens River Watershed are mainly accessible by airplane. Church Of Christ volunteers donated clothes for all genders and ages, and toys for children. In total, 700 lbs were sent via Northway Aviation to the communities of Poplar Hill First Nation, Ontario (300 lbs) and Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba (400 lbs).
Receiving the donations on behalf of the Indigenous peoples, Mr. Gerald Neufeld thanked Church Of Christ Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.
“I’d like to take the opportunity to give my heartfelt thanks to Brother Eduardo V. Manalo for some very significant contributions that are being made by the brothers and sisters of the INC here in Winnipeg. The contributions have a significant impact to these fly-in communities. They’re very remote. On behalf of the leadership and the people who live in these communities, I’d just like to share with you my most heartfelt thanks. It’s very much appreciated.”
Mr. Neufeld grew up in the First Nations community of Pauingassi, Manitoba and has become a lead volunteer in helping Indigenous peoples.
In an ongoing commitment to help their fellowmen in need, Church Of Christ volunteers in Winnipeg have also prepared another 900 lbs of goods for the Berens River Watershed communities of Pikangikum, Ontario and Pauingassi, Manitoba.
Councillor of Poplar Hill First Nation, Eli Moose, sent a letter or thanks to the Church Of Christ District Supervising Minister of Manitoba, Sidney Santos.
“My people and I from Poplar Hill wish to give you our heartfelt thanks for the clothes you have sent to our community. We greatly appreciate these message of sharing that you send to us along with the generosity of these gifts. We were told that you and your organization worked hard to gather these items and please know that it is amazing how far this caring and sharing can go. Thanks so much,” he said.
Statistics Canada provides the following data concerning poverty in Indigenous communities:
“According to the market basket measure (MBM), Canada’s official poverty line, approximately one-quarter (24%) of Indigenous people living in urban areas in the provinces were in poverty. While 30% of Indigenous children and youth under the age of 18 in urban areas were living in poverty, the percentage was higher for those in lone-parent families. According to the 2016 Census, 38% of Indigenous children and youth in urban areas were living with a lone parent (most often with a female lone parent), and more than half of them (51%) were in poverty.”
Through the INCGiving Project and the FYM Foundation, INC members and volunteers aim to build positive relationships in the communities in which they serve.
To know more about the Church Of Christ and its activities, please visit

Manitoba with representatives of the Iglesia Ni Cristo who distributed relief packages at the
Turtle Island Community Centre.

different fly-in communities during Felix Y. Manalo Aid to Humanity events in Canada.

and toys for children, to be donated in Berens River Watershed communities of Pikangikum,
Ontario and Pauingassi, Manitoba, Canada.

August 19, 2020 — Church Of Christ volunteers donated clothes for all genders and ages,
and toys for children.