Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

I Feel The Care of the Executive Minister

A 91-year-old church member talks about how caring the Executive Minister has been and the love she's felt from those placed to lead.She also shares why passing her faith down to her children, grandchildren, and beyond has become so important to her.


Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. My dearest Brother,

First of all, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to our Almighty Father that you are in good condition, healthy, full of wisdom and power in leading the entire Church. 

From the depths of my heart, I greet you on your 15th year of successful leadership over the entire Church. 

I feel in my heart the power that flows  through your supervision of the worship services.


I am Sister Rufina Espino Caladiao, 91 years old as of last July 10. In my old age, I have witnessed the success and glory of the Church from the time of the Messenger, Brother Felix Y. Manalo, to Brother Erano G. Manalo, and up to your leadership, I feel in my heart the love of those who lead and care for the flock. 

From the Messenger, it was a great blessing to our Locale to have the first concrete chapel built and to be part of the history of the Church. 

During the leadership of Brother Erano G. Manalo, the Central Temple was built, and worship services began abroad. Brother Erano G. Manalo also officiated our wedding on June 27, 1958.


Another thing I will never forget in my life and old age is when you led our worship service last June 9, 2023. I happened to count that worship service as part of my 90th birthday, which I consider a gift and a cherished memory from you.

Under your leadership, we have been able to build thousands of chapels, and the Church has reached various countries, regions, and territories, with thousands of ministers and workers spread across different parts of the world. 


My entire family and I feel your love for the whole Church, your prayers to the Father in your leadership over the worship services, and we feel in our hearts your care and love. 

I am pleased to inform you that there are 12 households in our family, and almost all of us hold duties in the Church. We have 7 ministers, 1 worker, those in the leadership, finance officers, a retired choir director, choir members, teachers, and secretaries.

I always pray to the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ that He may continue to fill you with wisdom and power, and may this extend to your primary helper, Brother Angelo Erano Manalo.

We love you so much!

Thank you for your care and love. Your sister in the Lord, Rufina Espino Caladiao, Local Congregation of Washington.


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I Feel The Care of the Executive Minister