Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Mantenerse positivo frente a la negatividad

a glass half-filled with water

Mantenerse positivo en el mundo de hoy puede ser un desafío, pero la Biblia nos muestra cómo superar esa negatividad que podría influir en nosotros.

(Staying positive in today’s world can be a challenge, but the Bible shows us how to overcome the negativity that might influence us.)

First Group of Converts in Fiji Receive Baptism

A group of baptism candidates dressed in white pose near a river; a man prepares to be submerged for baptism.

After finding the answers he’d been looking for, a man shares his discovery, contributing to the growth of the Church Of Christ in Fiji; from the ecclesiastical districts of the Mediterranean, Australia East, Japan, Florida, and New Jersey, the latest events in the INC.

Suicide or God as a Way Out

Silhouette of someone looking out into the mountains and bold text that says Is there Truly A Way Out?

More and more people are suffering from depression today. It’s estimated that every 40 seconds, someone is dying by suicide. What does the Bible say on how God can help relieve people’s suffering?

INC Reaches Sydney, Nova Scotia and Vaudreuil, Quebec

On the left, a group of people in formal wear pose for a photo with a tarp banner; on the right, a minister preaches to the congregation.

As the Church Of Christ continues to grow, the true faith reaches parts of Ottawa; from the ecclesiastical districts of New Jersey, Western Europe, Italy South, Central Europe, Southern Ontario, and Oregon, the latest events in the INC.

INC Dedicates House of Worship in Zambia, Africa

a drone shot of a group of people in choir robes and formal attire wave in front of a chapel

As a result of the growth of the true faith in Zambia, the INC dedicates the first house of worship built from the ground in a special worship service; from the districts of Ottawa, Hawaii-Pacific, Spain, the UK, and Central Europe, the latest events in the INC.

God Taught Me to Value Life

Man looking into camera smiling

Hopelessness can trigger some pretty unspeakable thoughts in our minds. But when we turn to God, He can show us the true value of life.

Los elegidos de Dios para la salvación

Family walking into Church Of Christ house of Worship

¿A quién salvará Dios en el Día del Juicio? ¿Estás incluido? ¿Cómo puedes asegurarte de ser uno de los escogidos de Dios para la salvación? [Who will God save on Judgment Day? Are you included? How can you make sure you are one of God’s chosen for salvation?]

When Are You Really An Adult

A person looks at himself in the mirror but the reflection is of an adult dressed in a suit, holding a briefcase

Have you encountered individuals who are adults, in terms of age and being fully grown, but need to ‘grow up’ and develop in the way they act and live? Find out the qualities that make one truly mature.