Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Lidiando con tristeza

woman standing outside in the rain with overlay text: "Lidiando con tristeza"

Como cristianos, no podemos evitar sentirnos tristes o deprimidos, pero podemos recurrir a la Biblia en busca de consejos para afrontar esas emociones.

God Provided Me A Way Out

Man in a blue collared shirt smiling

Resilient amid the challenges of growing up with abusive parents, Jeremy seeks an escape through gaming, unknowingly becoming a part of God’s intricate game plan.

The Importance of Religion

Windows of a church with sunlight coming through

In this episode, we delve into the significance of different religious beliefs and practices, questioning the importance of religion in our lives. We ponder the age-old question: Is organized religion truly necessary? Uncover insights that challenge perspectives and contribute to a deeper understanding of the role faith plays in our diverse world.

Buscando un cambio espiritual

silhouette of a person looking at a distance

Abrazando un viaje de cambio espiritual, las personas continúan encontrando una nueva vida guiados por las enseñanzas de Dios en la Iglesia De Cristo.

How To Deal With Life’s Ups And Downs

A group of four people run up a steep road together.

Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone will always experience both good and trying times. But why is it that we’re meant to go through different trials or tests in life, and how should we handle them?

Beautification Projects and Coastal Cleanups

Three group photos of smiling volunteers while painting a white fence under text that reads, "Neighborhood Beautification Projects and Coastal Cleanups Make an Impact"

What do neighborhood appreciation projects, a coastal clean up in the Philippines, and the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre in Vancouver have in common? Join Elijah in this INC Giving recap to find out.

Spiritual Stability

Man with glasses smiling at camera

Growing up in a nomadic lifestyle and raised as a non-believer, Philippe’s curiosity about the Bible becomes a guiding force in his quest for meaning.
