Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Access to Healthcare & Cleaning Communities

Images of INC Giving volunteers cleaning the community and helping provide medical checks under text that reads "Helping Improve Access to Healthcare and Keeping Our Community Clean"

Sharing acts of kindness is always fun as we see with INC Giving volunteers from around the world. Not only is it fun to help those in need, but there is no shortage of ways to help. Join Taylor Joy in this INC Giving recap–from free meals to the community; to helping improve access to healthcare and even different efforts in keeping our community clean.

Making Our Parents Proud

Parents with their child graduating from school

What makes a good son or daughter? It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents while they are still around to savor it.

Neighborhood Community Cleanup at North Union

Images of volunteers cleaning up a street and gathering trash under text that reads, "Neighborhood Community Cleanup at North Union"

If you want to make a positive impact, it might be by doing something as easy as stepping outside with a broom and trash bags. INC Giving Volunteers in Los Angeles decided to put together a neighborhood community cleanup at North Union Avenue.

Why Believe the Bible?

A hand touching the pages of a Bible; text reads “How is truth measured?”

How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?

Care Packages for Orphans & Help for Seniors

Images of INC Giving volunteers organizing and carrying care packages; volunteers smiling and interacting with community members all under text that reads "Care Packages for Orphans and Music Entertainment for Seniors"

INC Giving volunteers from around the world continue to find ways to reach out to more people. We had some who organized and delivered care packages to Bethany House Orphanage, while many others organized events to show appreciation to our elderly community members. There are always those who are in need and this week, Elijah shows us the many other ways we can help them.

Continue Striving

text graphic: "Continue Striving - Executive News" with green mountains and road in the background

A diagnosis from the doctor changed Ruby’s life completely.

Watch her inspiring story in this episode of Executive News and discover how she remained faithful to God throughout this intense trial in her life.

Helping by Cleaning Up Rock Creek Park

Group photos of INC Giving volunteers and images of volunteers picking up trash and carrying trash bags, under text that reads, "Helping the Environment by Cleaning Up Rock Creek Park"

Did you know you can help prevent stormwater pollution in your community? INC Giving volunteers in Washington D.C. found a way by cleaning up Rock Creek Park. Percy and his fellow INC Giving volunteers learned of this great opportunity from the Rock Creek Conservancy and National Links Trust and showed up bright and early ready to clean.

How To Cope When Caring For Elderly Parents

A man with glasses sits next to an older man and hands him medication

Family care can be stressful and some feel trapped caring for elderly parents. Is it possible to cope with the pressure of caregiving while handling other daily and familial responsibilities?

INC Giving en España

two women picking up trash

Los miembros de la Iglesia De Cristo en España dan una mano útil a las comunidades circundantes.

Mi vida entera cambió

a woman sitting in a worship setting

Lynda reflexiona sobre cómo convertirse en miembro de la Iglesia De Cristo cambió su vida para mejor.