Are God and Jesus Christ the Same Person?

What is the difference between God and Jesus? What is the nature of Christ and is that the difference between God and Jesus? Hear the discussion in this live studio recording.
Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Does a compassionate God allow suffering? If we suffer because we all have sinned, how do we receive the forgiveness of our sins? How do we stop suffering?
How Do I Know I’m a True Christian?

You might ask yourself: do I have to be baptized? If you’re a true believer of Christ, you might also be wondering if there is a true church today. Find out.
Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others?

Does God love everyone? And if He does, why does He have chosen ones if God wants all to be saved? Will God save everyone if there are different religions?
Can I be a Christian and a Scientist?

Does science and knowledge go against the Bible? A viewer asked “If I study science, am I a bad person?” Hear Bible verses about false science.
Interfaith Relationships: Do They Work?

Interfaith relationships are common in today’s world, but what is the role of religion in the family when there are different beliefs at play?
Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Is it considered adultery and fornication? Is being sexually active before marriage really a sin in today’s world?
What does “Born Again” Mean in John 3:3?

To be a Christian do you need to be “Born Again”? Is that what John 3:3 is teaching us about baptism and following Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.
True Church: Law of God & Testimony of Jesus

How do we determine who is preaching the true religion? How is God’s authority, or law, and the testimony of Jesus parts of finding truth and being saved?
How to Stay Positive and Have Trust in God

How do we have complete trust in God when the world around us is so chaotic? Find out how to have hope in God and His promises, while staying positive.