Does God Accept Me?
What does God want from us in this life? Is it to worship and obey Him? Then let’s make sure it’s acceptable worship to God, and we know how to properly worship God.
Why Believe the Bible?
How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?
Why Use a Different Bible Translation?
Why are there different Bible translations? Do versions and translations change spiritual truth? Which version of the Bible is correct to use?
Is Killing in War a Sin?
The Bible has very strict instructions concerning murder. But what about killing in war? Can a Christian serve in the military and fight for their country?
When is Easter? Why Does the Date Change?
Should Christians celebrate Easter? Leading up to Easter in March 2024, it’s important to understand the pagan traditions around Easter and Palm Sunday
How many gods are there?
People ask: Who is Jesus? Is there one God, or many gods? Is there a true god among them? How can God be three: Father, Son and Spirit? The Bible clarifies.
Are All Sins Equal?
What is a sin? Are all sins the same? Do people pay for their sins? According to the Bible, Is there a proper and improper way to be forgiven of sins?
Are God and Jesus Christ the Same Person?
What is the difference between God and Jesus? What is the nature of Christ and is that the difference between God and Jesus? Hear the discussion in this live studio recording.
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Does a compassionate God allow suffering? If we suffer because we all have sinned, how do we receive the forgiveness of our sins? How do we stop suffering?
Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others?
Does God love everyone? And if He does, why does He have chosen ones if God wants all to be saved? Will God save everyone if there are different religions?