Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Enduring Impact of God’s Messenger

Convinced by the prophecies fulfilled, six individuals share how learning about Brother Felix Y. Manalo, who members of the Church Of Christ believe is the messenger of God in these last days, has impacted their lives and led them to the one true church.


Enduring Impact of God’s Messenger


Kisha Guinto: I think people definitely in other religions can be truly devoted to it without actually even knowing what they’re devoted to. And the fact that Brother Felix used to be in another religion before, the fact that he had the courage to question it, I think was honestly that turning point where you also make yourself question, is this the truth?  Should I be here? Where should I be? Where is the truth?

I kind of let go of the idea that maybe there is one in this earth, there is one true Church in this earth that will honestly speak the truth to you and will make you feel something that never has before. But to my surprise because, well, I didn’t really expect it. There was. There is.


Ron Espanto: It is only inside the Church Of Christ that teaches that there is only one true God and the one who taught that is His messenger in these last days. There was no one else, that I can say, that teaches about the one true God, that there is only one God. The one who taught that is God’s messenger in these last days, Brother Felix Y. Manalo. I’m not saying that because that’s what the ministers were saying, no. I’m saying that because those are the things that are written in the Bible. Proof. Biblical proof that the messenger of God is the one. Everything pointing to him, pointing to the messenger that’s fulfilled.



Tawanda Cochrane: Coming from the Philippines, I thought that’s a really impoverished country. God must be with him through every step because he had a lot of, he had a rough hill to climb. And by looking from the history of the Church, it shows God’s great work starting from him and moving forward. And it’s amazing.


Timmon Li: For it to be prophesied inside the Bible, through Brother Felix Y. Manalo, it all comes full circle. That’s how we found out that the Church after World War I, they registered with the Philippine government. And again, put one plus one. It’s God’s prophecies fulfilled.


Peter Kaisara: I can see that what I did back then, it was the wrong thing.  Because there wasn’t any messenger from God sent to us to preach the true gospel. The messenger of God, Brother Felix Y. Manalo, his prophecy, and also Jesus Christ’s own words in John 10:9. He’s inviting all of us. “If anyone enters by Me, he will be safe.”


Todd Brown: Especially in modern times, whereas people don’t really believe in certain mystical things. It’s more science-based culture. And prophecy⎯that was hard to swallow.


So two things that changed my mind was I realized I was just resisting because I didn’t want to accept it versus just looking at the facts. So before I started taking  the Bible studies I was doing historical context and that’s kind of what led me back to Bible study. So I’m like okay. Well, if this happened and this is a prophecy, I could go just research it, right? And researching different things about the prophecy from World War I, to see how the Church spread throughout the world and the humble beginnings, right. And understanding the Church literally started from nothing.


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Enduring Impact of God’s Messenger