Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Dealing With Anger

man and woman arguing, with overlay text on lower left corner: "Dealing with anger"

Should we let our anger control our actions? A young mom has a hard time dealing with anger in a healthy way and asks for advice from the Bible.

How Finding God Can Change Your Life

man standing in the woods looking away

Looking to transform your life for the better? Learn how God can change your life forever from stories of individuals who have experienced it themselves.

I Was Guided by the Truth in the Bible

woman wearing glasses and leopard print shirt, smiling with dark gray background

When searching for a church what do you look for? Where lies the weight of your decision? Find out how this Bible-based Church became the answer for Marda.

¿Es el purgatorio católico real?

man outside on a cold night standing in the shadow looking up at dark stairs

¿Qué es el purgatorio? ¿Existe el purgatorio en la Biblia? Y si no existe, ¿cómo puedo recibir el perdón por mis pecados? ¿Qué pasa cuando yo muera?
