Is 1 John 5:7 Evidence of the Trinity?

Some believe that 1 John 5:7 is evidence of the Trinity in the Bible, saying it shows that God is a three-in-one being. Is this verse proof of Trinity?
Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Is it considered adultery and fornication? Is being sexually active before marriage really a sin in today’s world?
What does “Born Again” Mean in John 3:3?

To be a Christian do you need to be “Born Again”? Is that what John 3:3 is teaching us about baptism and following Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.
Who Was God Talking to in Genesis 1:26?

Who is the “us” in Genesis 1:26 when God says “Let us make man in our image”? Is it biblical evidence of the trinity, or is there another answer?
Is Jesus “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6?

Is Jesus the “Everlasting Father” and “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:6? Are God and Jesus Christ the same person, or is the verse talking about something else?
True Church: Law of God & Testimony of Jesus

How do we determine who is preaching the true religion? How is God’s authority, or law, and the testimony of Jesus parts of finding truth and being saved?
Is the “Image of God” Proof Jesus is God?

Can Philippians 2:5-6 be used as biblical evidence of the trinity? Does it say that God and Jesus are the same person? What is the image of God?
How to Stay Positive and Have Trust in God

How do we have complete trust in God when the world around us is so chaotic? Find out how to have hope in God and His promises, while staying positive.
“I and My Father Are One” in John 10:30

When Jesus said He was “one” with God in John 10:30 did he mean He was part of being God? Is this verse in support of the trinity, or disproves it?
How to Decide on a Religion?

Is there a true religion? And if you find the right church can you even change your religion, or is that a sin? How do you decide on a religion?