Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

Search Results for: bible – Page 66


What can you learn from failure? Rarely does one say I have learned a good lesson from my failure. Find out how to cope and persevere with God’s help.
While acquiring things like money or higher education can be beneficial, these still have their limits in how far they can take us in life. So what is it that’s more valuable than wealth and wisdom? The Bible answers, in this episode of God’s Message podcast.
What does the Bible say about gambling? Is sports betting a sin? Is there anything wrong with using money to just have fun gambling? Is it morally wrong?
Teaching children the value of prayer is one of the best ways for them to grow in their relationship with God. When (and how) should parents teach them?
Does God love everyone? And if He does, why does He have chosen ones if God wants all to be saved? Will God save everyone if there are different religions?
In this episode, we’ll dive into the old age debate of creation vs evolution. Is evolution a theory or law? Uncover the arguments for creationism and explore the intriguing question: Can you believe in God and evolution simultaneously? Join us as we unravel the mysteries and celebrate the beauty of God’s creation.
Unwrap the truth about Christmas in this thought-provoking episode! Explore the religious aspects of Christmas and delve into the biblical account of the birth of Jesus, separating fact from fiction. Challenge common misconceptions as we unravel whether Christmas is truly a religious holiday or if it’s just a man made tradition because Christmas in the
Despite the problems and challenges in life, God blessed mankind with gifts for their happiness and wellbeing. Learn more in this episode of God’s Message podcast.
When life doesn’t go as planned, some play the blame game; blaming their situation on circumstances, other people, and even God. Why should we self-examine, and is it possible to turn things around when we experience hardship and challenges?
Through friends and loved ones, many continue to discover and join the true faith through holy baptism from around the world. Featuring the ecclesiastical districts of New Jersey, Northeast California, Caribbean, and Taiwan.