Stories of Faith – 109th Anniversary Special

A global collection of stories of faith from six individuals who trusted in God during their darkest moments by relying fully on what He could do for them.
Choosing To Be On God’s Side

Growing up, Bernadette always felt different from her peers. Add to that a strong desire to join a Church that her family knew nothing about. But here, she finds comfort in the worship service, and the reminders given by the Executive Minister.
Finding Hope After Losing My Parents

[on-screen text gfx] FRANZ PUMARADA [on-screen text gfx] WELCOME TO INCMEDIA HEADQUARTERS MY DESK Franz Pumarada: I’m a camera operator. I also track analytics or search engine optimization for I coil cables, transcribe interviews, change the clocks around the office whenever there’s daylight savings [time] since I’m the only one who […]
Guiding the Youth of the New Generation

Brother Michael never thought about joining the ministry. He enrolled after God gave him numerous signs, and now he finds joy in advising the youth and helping the Executive Minister.
Letting God Shape My Future

[show opens] [on screen graphic- Percival Palarde Jr] Percival Palarde Jr – Temple Hills, Maryland: Good evening Po, Ka Eduardo. It’s me, Brother Percy. I just got home from performing for the evangelical mission. I helped set up TSV( Technical Support for Video Streaming) beforehand, and I performed Multimedia during the lesson. […]
Learning How To Have Faith in God Completely

[Show open] [On-screen text graphics] Marco Dale Mangada [On-screen text graphics] 7:00 A.M. Marco Dale Mangada: So, here I am about to finish work and after that long, but fun, night shift, I need to fill myself up with a warm cup of milk and a side of pancit canton and pandesal. […]
U.S. East Coast Regional Unity Games Pt. 2

Meet a young black belt phenom in Karate who finds joy in performing martials arts in Unity Games, learn about the inspiring journey of an Olympic hopeful and hall of famer who experienced incredible blessings by prioritizing her faith in God above all else.
U.S. East Coast Regional Unity Games Pt.1

Discover how two brothers’ passion for one sport is deeply rooted in their family and faith, experience the desire for a father to bond with his son through sports, bringing success for his sons and a once in a life time experience for himself.
Managing Expectations In Life

We all have expectations in life, but is there something also expected of us, and from whom? Learn to trust in God when plans fail and we are disappointed or discouraged by unrealistic expectations.
25 Life Lessons Learned By 25

A young Christian shares the lessons learned as she approached her quarter-life crisis and the reality of turning 25 after passing the milestone birthday.