Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

When is Easter in 2025?

A desk calendar is open to the month of April, the 20th is circled; text reads "When is Easter this year?"

This year, Easter is celebrated on April 20, 2025. But why does Easter change dates every year? Do all Christians celebrate Easter the same way?

Is the Sabbath Still Relevant Today?

A calendar shows squares indicating Saturday and Sunday; text reads "Are you observing the Sabbath?"

Are you observing the Sabbath? Or maybe, you’re not sure if the Sabbath is Saturday or Sunday. What day is the Sabbath in the Bible, and are we instructed to observe it?

What is God? A spirit or a man?

Popular artwork depicting the hand of the creator reaching out to his creation; Text reads "Is God a man? Is God a spirit?"

Is God a spirit? Is God a man? If we were made in His image, does that give us a clue to His nature? The truth is simpler than you might have previously been taught, it’s just the truth in the Bible: God is a spirit, and we are tasked to live up to His image. If you want to know exactly what that means, listen to this podcast episode of That’s in the Bible.

Is it a Sin to Celebrate Halloween?

A line of children on costume holding candy buckets; Text reads "Does celebrating Halloween make me a pagan?"

What is the biblical response to the pagan Halloween practices? Is Halloween and Christianity at odds with each other? Is trick-or-treating a sin?

Does God Accept Me?

A person stands below a vast wide sky at sunset; text reads "What does God want from us?"

What does God want from us in this life? Is it to worship and obey Him? Then let’s make sure it’s acceptable worship to God, and we know how to properly worship God.

Why Believe the Bible?

A hand touching the pages of a Bible; text reads “How is truth measured?”

How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?

Is Killing in War a Sin?

A soldier in camouflage grips his bag; text reads “Is killing in war sinful?”

The Bible has very strict instructions concerning murder. But what about killing in war? Can a Christian serve in the military and fight for their country?

How many gods are there?

Ancient Egyptians gods painted on a wall; text reads: Is there one God, or many gods?

People ask: Who is Jesus? Is there one God, or many gods? Is there a true god among them? How can God be three: Father, Son and Spirit? The Bible clarifies.

Are All Sins Equal?

A sin point in many directions towards many kinds of sins; text reads "Are there different kinds of sins?"

What is a sin? Are all sins the same? Do people pay for their sins? According to the Bible, Is there a proper and improper way to be forgiven of sins?
