What does “Born Again” Mean in John 3:3?

To be a Christian do you need to be “Born Again”? Is that what John 3:3 is teaching us about baptism and following Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.
Want to Find God?

Meet Ahmad and Naima, who have a close sibling relationship and were raised in the same religious family but somehow found their way to the true God in different stages in their lives. Today, these siblings who both wanted to find God, will take us back to their journey on how Ahmad’s curiosity led him to share it with his sister, and later with their mother.
True Church: Law of God & Testimony of Jesus

How do we determine who is preaching the true religion? How is God’s authority, or law, and the testimony of Jesus parts of finding truth and being saved?
How to Stay Positive and Have Trust in God

How do we have complete trust in God when the world around us is so chaotic? Find out how to have hope in God and His promises, while staying positive.
On Having A Close Relationship With God

Something got you down? Wondering who to turn to? Learn how to be close to God and the benefits it brings to our life, here in this podcast.
How to Decide on a Religion?

Is there a true religion? And if you find the right church can you even change your religion, or is that a sin? How do you decide on a religion?
How Much Do Words Matter?

We ask the question “How much do words matter?” And hear from a published author about her journey in deciding to share positive words through her children’s book and later hear from a Clinical Psychologist about the neuroscience behind how words we hear, read, and even say really matter and why our words are so powerful.
Mantenerse positivo frente a la negatividad

Mantenerse positivo en el mundo de hoy puede ser un desafío, pero la Biblia nos muestra cómo superar esa negatividad que podría influir en nosotros.
(Staying positive in today’s world can be a challenge, but the Bible shows us how to overcome the negativity that might influence us.)
La Biblia: ¿Está abierta a interpretación?

¿Alguien puede simplemente abrir la Biblia y entender o predicar las palabras de Dios? ¿Es así de simple? Aprenda la verdad sobre esta enseñanza. [Can someone simply open the Bible and understand or preach the words of God? Is it that simple? Discover the truth about this teaching now.]
Why is it Wrong to Celebrate Christmas?

As one of the most popular holidays of the year, Christmas is celebrated worldwide in a variety of different ways. But is Christmas found in the Bible?