Christian Media: Where Truth Meets You

So, what's next?

We all know at least one person who is looking for hope and meaning in their life. Well, now is your chance to share something that can impact their life—your faith and the opportunity to know God.

How to Participate in the Online Event

  1. Create a guest list. Think of friends, family, neighbors, and anyone you’ve always wanted to invite or have invited in the past. 
  2. Watch the three-part Care to Share Digital Series on INC Media mobile app or streaming platform to prepare.
  3. Use the social media toolkit to start reaching out on social media, email, text message, etc. 
  4. Share the event link and let them know what to expect. If they’ve already got specific questions about the Bible, give them our contact information and we’ll make sure someone connects with them.
  5. Don’t forget to let everyone know you’re tuning in by sharing it on social media.

Care to Share Digital Series

Starting a faith conversation can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Watch this three-part web series packed with reasons, real-life examples, and tools to move you to share your faith. (Don’t worry, the videos are all short, fun, and straight to the point!)

Episode 1: What if No One Cared?

• What if no one cared enough to share their faith with anyone? Hear about the challenges we often face in sharing our faith, learn to overcome them, and find the courage to care.

Episode 2: Care to Share the Blessings

• Witness the power of a simple invitation. Hear why we shouldn’t keep our faith to ourselves and why it’s a blessing to share.

Episode 3: Now’s the Perfect Time

• Find out why now is the perfect time to share our faith, how to get over the challenges we face, and what tools are available to share what’s most important.

This three-part series will be available on-demand streaming on the INC Media streaming and mobile app.

What to expect during the Online Event?

Before attending an event or trying something new, we all want to know what to expect. Here’s what you and your guests can expect during the Online Event.

The online event focuses on why you should trust and believe the Bible. 

With real questions from individuals, a live virtual audience, and three Church Of Christ ministers of the gospel located in different parts of the world answering questions using the Bible, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of just how relevant and reliable the Bible is in answering their struggles and search for meaning.

The online event will last about an hour.

Attendees will have three options to tune into the online event. They’ll be able to register for the time that works for them. Once registered, they’ll receive more information via email.

Care to Share Toolkit

Care to Share is about taking an important part of your life and sharing it with someone you care about. Here’s a toolkit to get you started. Just download the designs you want for the platforms you use and add your own personal caption. Tag a friend and let them you know want to share the experience with them. 

Care to Share Toolkit General

text graphic: "Care to share - Online Event Insert Date" with a smiling emoji next to it

Download: Facebook Cover

Grow With Me

text graphic: "grow with me!"

How Can Believing The Truth Help You Find Yourself | Facebook Cover

orange wallpaper with overlay text graphic: "How can believing the truth help you find yourself?

Download: Facebook Cover

How Can Believing The Truth Help You Find Yourself | Instagram Stories

three cards from incmedia with different designs

Download: Instagram Story

Why Believe and Trust the Bible Today?

text graphic: "Why believe and trust the Bible today?"

Download: Facebook | Instagram

General Invites

young woman smiling and wearing glasses and pink hoodie with laptop in front of her, with overlay text on the left: "Share this experience with me!"

Download: Facebook | Instagram

Looking To...

four different designs of mint green cards from incmedia


text graphic: "Affirmations to begin your day" with ocean and sunset sky in background

Download: Facebook Cover
